Location Africa

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German title Location Africa
Original title Location Africa
Location Africa.jpg
Country of production Switzerland
original language English , German
Publishing year 1987
length 65 minutes
Director Steff Gruber
script Steff Gruber
production Steff Gruber
music Black Generation ( Ghana )
camera Siegfried Meier
cut Steff Gruber
Beni Müller

Location Africa is a film by Steff Gruber from 1987 about the last collaboration between Klaus Kinski and Werner Herzog on his film Cobra Verde in Ghana .


In his film essay , Steff Gruber reports on the extremely difficult shooting of Werner Herzog's film Cobra Verde in Ghana. The very personal film, however, goes beyond the usual film reporting: It tells about the complicated relationship between the two stars Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski, about extras (Herzog trains a thousand young Ghanaians to become Amazon fighters) and about the clash of black and white. But it is also a film about Gruber's contradicting feelings towards his idol Herzog.


During the shooting of his film Fetish & Dreams , the filmmaker Steff Gruber met Werner Herzog through his cameraman Rainer Klausmann . He invited him to accompany the shooting of his film in Ghana.


"The 33-year-old Swiss filmmaker Steff Gruber, who already made the amalgamation of autobiography and fantasy, of documentaries and fiction his style-defining trademark in his first film 'Moon in Taurus' (1980) and then in 'Fetish & Dreams' (1985), did not forego this openly subjective approach to a topic for 'Location Africa' either. It is less just a film about 'Duke in Africa' than one about a filmmaker who observes his 'idol' as a new work is being created and who brings in his own reflections. Compared to the two previous films, the ego moves a lot more into the background here, if it does not play the immediate 'main role'. Above all, it is the perspective of the camera led by Siegfried Meier, the subjective view through which Gruber tears 'Location Africa' out of the characteristics of the pure documentation. "

- Neue Zürcher Zeitung , 5./6. December 1987

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