Lodoiska from Blum

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Lodoiska from Blum

Lodoiska von Blum (born December 25, 1844 at Caczevice Castle in Congress Poland ; † February 16, 1927 in Hüfingen ) was a German writer . She also wrote under the pseudonym Ernst von Waldow .


Blum was born at Caczevice Castle in Poland during a visit to her mother, who comes from a noble Polish family. Her father was a Prussian officer, was a cavalry captain and had been in the Schill Freikorps. Blum showed an interest in music at an early age, but was unable to continue studying music after her father's death and turned to writing. Shortly before the wedding with a Freiherr von Wolffersdorf , her future husband died. Blum now tried to earn money on his own by writing. In 1869 she moved from Berlin to Vienna , where she lived until 1882. She worked here as a feature editor for the Neue Freie Presse , in which some of her novellas and essays also appeared. From 1882 onwards, she lived in Venice for almost 40 years for health reasons and published numerous novels, plays, short stories and short stories. In her day she was also a "rare example of a female crime novelist".

Her works have been translated into several languages ​​and were particularly successful in France. At the turn of the century, criticism there even placed her "in line with Viktor Hugo , George Sand , Daudet and others".

In a death note in the Prager Tagblatt it was reported that at the age of eighty-two, Blum died “completely impoverished and forgotten” in an old people's home in Hüfingen near Donaueschingen.

Works (selection)


  • The black Kathe. Novel. 3 volumes. Herrosé, Wittenberg 1868.
  • The devil's castle. Novel. 3 volumes. Wedekind & b Schwieger, Berlin 1873.
  • The sin inheritance. 3 volumes. Simon, Stuttgart 1874. ( digitized version )
  • Hildegard (1875)
  • The secret of the red tower. Novel. Brigl, Berlin 1879.
  • The Wrostowa Witch. Novel. Costenoble, Jena 1880.
  • Without a mistake. Novel. Goldschmidt, Berlin 1885.
  • For honor and life. Novel from Venice's past. Meister, Werdau 1891.
  • Tristan and Isolde. Contemporary novel. Reissner, Dresden 1892.
  • The red curl. Detective novel. Modern reading publisher, Berlin 1899.
  • The glass slipper. Detective novel. Hillger, Berlin / Eisenach / Leipzig 1905.
  • In its own noose. Novel. Hillger, Berlin / Eisenach / Leipzig 1907.
  • In the Ostmark. Novel. Costenoble, Jena 1912.
  • The stepmother. Novel. Meister, Werdau 1921.

Novellas and short stories

  • Collected short stories and short stories. Oertel, Königsee 1875.
    • Volume 1: love spells.
    • Volume 2: Light and shadow images from the book of life.
  • Blue blood. Narrative. Oertel, Königsee 1875.
  • False honor. Narrative. Oertel, Königsee 1875.
  • Without escort. Narrative. Oertel, Königsee 1875.
  • HIldegard. Novella. Dege, Leipzig 1875.
  • A scream. Novella. Oertel, Königsee 1875.
  • The cross on the way. Novella. Oertel, Königsee 1876.
  • A romantic love story. Friedrich, Leipzig 1876.
  • Bon Voyage. The story of a bridal trip. Oertel, Königsee 1875.
  • From the life of the poor. Stories and sketches. Friedrich, Leipzig 1882.
  • The uncle. Character pictures from a small town. A popular tale. Sspamer, Leipzig 1882.
  • A doppelganger. Criminal novella. Goldschmidt, Berlin 1886.
  • A demon. Criminal novella. Goldschmidt, Berlin 1887.
  • Through night to the light. Goldsmith's little daughter. 2 novellas. Goldschmidt, Berlin 1888.
  • The stepdaughter (novella, 1891)
  • The honor point. Hillger, Berlin 1908. ( digitized version )
  • The red lock. Novel in two volumes. Hartleben, Vienna, Without a year.


  • The kidnapping original comedy in 2 acts. From Ernst Waldow. Friedrich., Breslau 1863.
  • A bathing trip (comedy, no year)
  • Mary of Hungary (tragedy, undated)
  • A romantic school of poets (comedy, undated)
  • The life of Nero (comedy, n.d.)
  • Magdalena (play, n.d.)


  • Blum, Miss Lodoiska v. . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 1. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 79 ( digitized version ).
  • Waldow, Ernst von . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 2. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 406 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Franz Brümmer : Lexicon of German poets and prose writers from the beginning of the 19th century to the present . Volume 1. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1913, p. 262 f.
  • Elisabeth Friedrichs: The German-speaking women writers of the 18th and 19th centuries . Metzler, Stuttgart 1981, p. 30.
  • Susanne Kord: A look behind the scenes. German-speaking playwrights in the 18th and 19th centuries . Metzler, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-476-00835-5 , p. 341.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ernst von Waldow †. In: Vossische Zeitung . February 18, 1927, Das Unterhaltungsblatt, No. 82, morning edition
  2. ^ Heinrich Spiero : History of the German novel . Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1950, p. 350.
  3. Pataky, p. 79.
  4. Death of a Forgotten. In: Prager Tagblatt. February 17, 1927, No. 40, p. 4
  5. No copy can be found
  6. No copy can be found
  7. No copy can be found
  8. No copy can be found
  9. No copy can be found