Lothar Kuhn

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Lothar Kuhn (born April 30, 1946 in Halle (Saale) ; † January 13, 2017 ) was a German production designer and architect who designed a large number of television and feature films for DEFA as a film architect and until his death as a production designer and architect was active.


After completing his vocational training as a bricklayer with a high school diploma in Aue, he completed his architecture studies at the Bauhaus University Weimar and then worked there as a scientific assistant with a doctorate .

Of ambition and love for creative work he came to mediation by Designer Alfred deer Meier , the film and worked from 1978 in the DEFA - Film Studio Babelsberg as art director. From 1982 he worked as a film set designer for z. Partly very complex large-scale productions (including Ernst Thälmann, Albert Einstein). He has also prepared and realized several international large-scale productions of the DEFA studio such as: Die MaTION , Anna Pawlowa and Der Sieg .

In his work as a scenographer and architect, he was able to implement the concept, design and construction for the STUDIO tour and the later Babelsberg Film Park .

The work as a film scenographer and architect for event design with unusual equipment specifications and wishes for recreational staging also represented, in addition to his work as a building construction architect, the wide range of work.



  • 1979: Solo Sunny , set design with A. Hirschmeier / director K. Wolf / DEFA-Spielfilmst.
  • 1980: Levins Mühle , scene b. with G.Wratsch / directed by H. Seemann / DEFA-Spielfilmst.
  • 1982: Platz oder Sieg , directed by C. Dobberke / DEFA-Spielfilmstudio
  • 1982: The warning , 2 parts directed by JABardem / DEFA coproduction Soviet., Bulgaria
  • 1983: Weiberwirtschaft , Re. P. Kahane / DEFA
  • 1983: Anna Pawlowa , directed by E. Lotjanu / DEFA co-production Soviet., Moldova
  • 1983/84: The victory (Pobeda), 2 parts / directed by J.Madwejew / DEFA coproduction Soviet Union
  • 1991: The suspicion, scene b. with F.Hirschmeier / Reg. F.Beyer / DEFA

Television films

Event / exhibition design

  • 1993–97 Filmpark Babelsberg formerly Studio Tour Babelsberg Concept, design, construction management
("Caligari Hall" / "Palace of the Sultan" ( The Little Muck ) / "Showscan Actionkino" / Beer Garden / Sandman Exhibition / U-Boat / Western Street / Animal Show / "Golem City")
(Entrance gate / restaurant "Prinz Eisenherz" / Janosch world "Panama" / stunt show "Vulkan" / "Radio Teddy" / Sandmann exhibition extension)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Newsletter of the DEFA Foundation in February 2017. (No longer available online.) February 8, 2017, archived from the original on February 11, 2017 ; accessed on February 8, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.defa-stiftung.de