Louis Théodore Kleinmann

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Louis Théodore Kleinmann (* July 21, 1907 in Brumath , German Empire ; † July 14, 1979 in Strasbourg , France ) was a French officer and after the Second World War with the rank of Colonel in the French army between July 1945 and 1946 city commander of Mainz .

Activities in Mainz

General address by General Koenig at the inauguration of the University of Mainz

In the role of the French city commander, he played a key role in the reconstruction of the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz . For this he was later made an honorary citizen of the university .

He also tried to revive the Mainz Carnival . In October 1945 he therefore called the Mainz Fastnights Seppel Glückert , Heinrich Hilsenbeck and Karl Moerlé from the Mainz Carneval Association to his home on Breidenbacher Strasse. He wanted to find out when they were planning to celebrate Shrovetide again. The three gentlemen were astonished by the proposal and expressed concerns, as was the mayor Emil Kraus who was present . Kleinmann replied that he knew the Carnival from personal experience and that, especially in view of the desolation of the circumstances, an outlet was needed that should encourage the courage of the Mainz population to overcome the existing more easily.

For the first Mainz wine market after the war in 1946, the French occupying power at the time, in cooperation with Kleinmann, provided 100,000 liters of wine. With the surplus of 60,000 Reichsmarks (today: 205,622 euros) from the proceeds of the wine market in 1946, the Mainz Tourist Association, the original initiator of the Mainz wine market, was re-established.



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Individual evidence

  1. ^ List of honorary citizens of the University of Mainz
  2. ↑ Office of the Federal President