Lucianus Montifontanus

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Frontispiece from the work: Ecclesia Inter Ecclypses Indeficiens ... ( Vorarlberger Landesbibliothek ).
First page from the work: Newe Garten-Lust ... (Vorarlberger Landesbibliothek).
Vignette in the work: Geistliches Kinder-Spill ... (Vorarlberger Landesbibliothek).

Lucianus Montifontanus (also: Montifontano , * around 1630 in Schruns (probably parcel Montjola); † 1716 in Bregenz ), real surname : Marenth was a Capuchin priest , scholar in philosophy , theology , mathematics and chronology . The surname “ Montifontanus ” he chose is an unusual Latinization ( Traduktionym ) of the name Montafon , the valley in which he was born.


Montifontanus began his spiritual career in 1652 as a novice with the Capuchins in the Capuchin monastery in Feldkirch . Lucianus Montifontanus worked as part of his order in various leading offices in the province of Upper Austria . He called himself one several times: “Pre-Austrian Provincial Preacher” and wrote a large number of books and instructive sermons for adults and children and traveled to southern Germany for his sermons . Like Abraham a Sancta Clara , Montifontanus comes from the Alemannic language area and is said to have had a similar preaching style and popularity among the people .

In 1704 he resigned as a guardian in the Feldkirch Capuchin monastery . A task that Fidelis von Sigmaringen held before him and that Montifontanus wrote a book about his biography and canonization . A copy of this book that has survived to this day belonged to Claudia Felizitas of Austria-Tyrol , a confessor of Monitfontanus. This book is said to have been last used by Maria Theresa before it got into the ecclesiastical treasury in the Hofburg .


The titles listed here are only a selection:

  • Probatica sacra cisarulana quam VP Fidelis a Sigmaringa capucini meritis e cruore pro fide effuso stagnantem nec annuis tantum, sed quotidianis pene gratiarum Signorumque motibus miraculosis hucusque exudantem , Constantiae 1674 - Skin.
  • Ertz-Englische memorable life stories two PP. Capuciners who both, and indeed billich Archangeli, that is Ertz-Engel, arose out of high lineage in Scotland, to the Catholic religion, and to the clerical order in a special way, call from God, To the world The mysterious caution of God ... Introduce , Costantz 1677, printed by: Fürstlich Bischöffliche Druckerey Bey David Hautt.
  • Sacrarum moralium concionum dominicale nec non quadragesimale, quae tanquam aera minuta duo cum vidua paupere in Ecclesiae Gazophylacium , Campidonensis 1688 - Ducalis Monasterii, and Konstanz 1690 - Labhart, online edition .
  • Newe Garten-Lust that is: A real, completely newer lesson received through long experience: planted like a beautiful obs garden , Constanz 1698, print: Johann Adam Köberle.
  • Spiritual children's spill, that is, three hundred twenty-six new sermons on the little Catèchismum RP Petri Canisii SJ, divided into four parts: other part eighty sermons on the third and fourth main part of the catechism, from the toe commandment of God, five commandments of the Kirchen, and by H. Vatter Unser and Ave Maria , several parts, Costantz , Leonhardi Parcus 1707/1709, online edition (will still be reprinted in the 21st century).
  • Ecclesia Inter Ecclypses Indeficiens, Id Est, Incrementa Et Decrementa Verae Per Orbem Religionis A Condito Mundo Usque Ad Christum , three volumes, Constantiae 1709, 1714, 1716, Parcus.
  • Kurtzer excerpt from life, change, torture, and death, as well as miracles from the soul of Father Fidelis Capucini from Sigmaringen, born in Swabia, from the Seraphic and Holy Father Francisci Order, First Blood Witness to Jesus Christ. From the time of salvation. Assembly of extension of the catholic faith which by your Päbstl. Holiness Benedicto the XIII. In the Lateran Church in Rome, March 24th, 1729. Seelig was pronounced highly fiery. Collected by a deß Capuciner order of the Böheim Provintz priests and preachers , first edition printed in Konstanz , also published in Breßlau : Druckerei Karl Friedrich Hilsen 1729, online edition .


  • Claudia Helbok: Important Vorarlbergers. 30 life pictures from a series (= Dornbirner Studiohefte. 2). ORF regional studio Vorarlberg, Dornbirn 1967, p. 15 f.
  • Lucianus Montifontanus; revised and edited by Anthony Heiter: Our Holy Father , Buffalo 1907, NY; Publisher: Aurora and Christian Week.
  • Ulrike Luger: P [ater] Lucianus Montifontanus Pater Luzian Marenth von Schruns: the form of the sermon in the 17th century , Dornbirn (?).

Web links

Commons : Lucianus Montifontanus  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Marenth or Marent or Marend is walserischen a snack in the afternoon. The last name Marent and a similar spelling is still in use today in Vorarlberg , especially in the Montafon .
  2. See: Claudia Helbok in Significant Vorarlberger. 30 life pictures from a series , p. 15.
  3. See: Claudia Helbok in Significant Vorarlberger. 30 life pictures from a series , p. 16.