Ludwig Bade

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Ludwig Bade (born June 2, 1910 in Rüppershausen ; † April 15, 1997 in Feudingen ) was a German entrepreneur, local politician and district administrator ( SPD ).


Bade was born in 1910 to a Social Democrat who died when Bade was ten years old. His mother died four years later. After attending school and training as a bricklayer, he took the master craftsman examination, which he passed in 1938. From January 15, 1933 to 1966, Bade worked as an independent building contractor. He joined the building trade on March 13, 1934, to which he was a member until January 10, 1985. After his master craftsman examination in 1938, he was apprentice supervisor for the building trade in the Wittgenstein district until 1948. On May 3, 1950, he took over the management of the building trade as head foreman, which he held until September 27, 1952. After he had given up his activity as a building contractor, he took a position as a civil engineer at the Berleburg office , which he held until his retirement in 1975. He was married, had three children and was of Protestant denomination.


Bade joined the SPD in 1952 and was a co-founder of the Feudingen branch. There he was chairman for ten years and was on the board until 1985. He was also on the SPD sub-district executive and was their delegate for the sub-district for 20 years. From November 20, 1952 to 1975, he was on the council of his place of residence Feudingen . Bade was chairman of the main committee there from 1964 to 1969 and a member of the road and building committee. From 1969 to 1975 he was on the main, finance and construction committee. He was also a member of the Water, Path and Forest Committee and the Election Examination Committee. He was also a member of the district council of the former Wittgenstein district from 1952 to 1969 .

Bade was first deputy mayor from November 20, 1952 to October 8, 1964 and then mayor of Feudingen until 1969. From 1961 to 1964 he was a member of the landscape assembly of the regional association Westphalia-Lippe . In addition, he was first deputy from April 1961 and from April 18, 1963 to March 8, 1966 District Administrator of the Wittgenstein district. After leaving the local council of Feudingen in 1975, he was a member of the Laasphe city council until July 31, 1978. From 1975 to 1984 he was still mayor in Feudingen.

Bade was active in various committees of the district assembly of North Rhine-Westphalia . For his services he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on February 1, 1989 .


  • District day North Rhine-Westphalia: Documentation about the district administrators and senior district directors in North Rhine-Westphalia 1945-1991.
  • Siegerländer Heimatkalender 1998, p. 39.