Ludwig Milch

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Ludwig Milch

Ludwig Milch (born August 4, 1867 in Breslau ; † January 6, 1928 there ) was a German mineralogist and geologist .


His father Hugo Milch was a councilor in Wroclaw. Ludwig Milch attended Maria-Magdalenen-Gymnasium there , where he also graduated from high school. He then studied geology in Heidelberg and Zurich . He received his doctorate in 1889 under Karl Heinrich Rosenbusch on the subject of The Diabass Slate of the Taunus . After a short time in Vienna , he returned to Breslau in 1890, where he initially accepted an unpaid position as a teaching assistant at the Mineralogical Museum . In 1892 he completed his habilitation with the thesis Contributions to the knowledge of Verrucano and became a private lecturer . His habilitation thesis deals extensively with the history of exploration and the petrographic characteristics of this rock sequence in the Alpine and Apennine areas.

In 1890 he was appointed professor and in 1907 he was appointed associate professor for mineralogy , crystallography and soil science at the University of Greifswald . There he was appointed full professor in 1912. In 1917 he took over the chair of mineralogy at the University of Breslau and between 1922 and 1924 he was dean of the philosophical faculty. In 1926 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina .

Ludwig Milch died of a stroke at the age of 61 .


Milch's main research area was the granite rocks of the Giant Mountains , see also granite tectonics .

Publications (selection)

  • Die Diabassschfer des Taunus (PhD thesis). 1889
  • Contributions to the knowledge of Verrucano (habilitation). 1892
  • Basics of soil science . 1899
  • Contributions to the knowledge of the Verrucano (second part). 1896
  • Contributions to the knowledge of the granitic rocks of the Giant Mountains. Part 1. In: New Yearbook for Mineralogy, Geology and Paleontology. Ax. Volume 12, 1898, pp. 115-237
  • Contributions to the knowledge of the granitic rocks of the Giant Mountains. Part 2 . In: New Yearbook for Mineralogy, Geology and Paleontology. Ax. Volume 15, 1901, pp. 105-204
  • About the relationship between the Giant Mountains granite ("Ganitite") and the "Granitite" trains accompanying it in the south . In: Cbl. f. Min., Geol. And Pal. Volume 7, 1911, pp. 197-205
  • The Pluton of the Giant Mountains (after H. Cloos). In: Fortschr. de. Min., Krist. u. Petr. Volume 66, 1927, pp. 229-252


  • Hans Völkel: Mineralogists and geologists in Breslau. History of geosciences at the University of Wroclaw from 1811 to 1945 . Bode, Haltern 2002, ISBN 3-925094-80-6