Ludwig Rosenstiel

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Ludwig Rosenstiel (born April 30, 1806 in Darmstadt ; † December 20, 1863 there ) was a German revolutionary .


Rosenstiel was a son of the Hessian government official Georg Ludwig Reinhard Rosenstiel. He attended high school in Darmstadt and from November 1825 studied law at Ludwigs University in Gießen . There he first became a member of the Corps Hassia and Starkenburgia . He later continued his studies in Heidelberg and joined the fraternity there , so in 1829 he became a member of the old Heidelberg fraternity / Fäßlianer . After his return to Giessen he also became a fraternity and after the dissolution of the Giessen fraternity after the Frankfurt Wachensturm, he joined the Corps Palatia , in which the former fraternity members gathered in 1833/34.

Rosenstiel was arrested in autumn 1833 for taking part in the Giessen preparations for the Frankfurt Wachensturm and imprisoned in Friedberg . He was released in early March 1833. Rosenstiel belonged to Georg Büchner's wider circle , although he distanced himself from his conspiratorial activities and the distribution of the Hessian Landbote , which he considered superfluous. Nonetheless, he participated in the plans to liberate Karl Minnigerode , who had been arrested while distributing the Hessischer Landbote, and in October 1834 in the procurement of a printing press for the production of leaflets. From September 1835 a wanted list was again searched for him. Before the investigative commission took action, however, Rosenstiel had already moved to Strasbourg (between March and August 1835) , where he kept in touch with old companions like August Becker and continued to be politically active as a supporter of Fourierism .

Rosenstiel lived temporarily in Mulhouse . He later returned to Germany and has been recorded in Darmstadt again from 1854, where he died in December 1863.


  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Sub-Volume 5: R – S. Winter, Heidelberg 2002, ISBN 3-8253-1256-9 , pp. 114-115.
  • Rolf Haaser: "My friend Fritz" by Carl Vogt . In: Mitteilungen des Oberhessischer Geschichtsverein 100 (2015), p. 59f.