Luigi de 'Rossi

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Raphael's portrait of Pope Leo X, with the cardinals Giulio de 'Medici and Luigi de' Rossi (left), around 1518/1519, Florence, Uffizi

Luigi de 'Rossi (born August 6, 1474 in Florence , † August 20, 1519 in Rome ) was a cardinal of the Roman Church . He was by his mother, a née Medici , a cousin of Giovanni de 'Medici, who later became Pope Leo X.

Since 1517 as papal Datar worked, his cousin Leo X raised him on July 1, 1517 to Cardinal and made him on July 6, 1517 to Cardinal Priest with the titular church of San Clemente .

De 'Rossi was portrayed with Pope Leo X and Cardinal Giulio de' Medici, later Pope Clement VII .

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