Luis Rego

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Luis Rego (born May 30, 1943 in Lisbon , Portugal ) is a French actor and musician .

Luis Rego (2006)


Luis Rego fled his country in 1960 at the age of 17 in order to avoid conscription and the colonial war in Angola , which was then still a Portuguese colony . He moved to France, where he later became known as the guitarist for the band Les Problèmes . When he was accused of desertion by the Portuguese authorities as a political prisoner, his band supported him by releasing the song Ballade à Luis Rego, prisonnier politique . When the successor band Les Charlots was founded later in 1966 , Rego was a co-founder. With the band he made his debut as an actor in 1969 in the musical western L'homme qui venait du Cher, staged by Maurice Dumay . Since then he has been active both as a musician and as an actor in theater and film.

Filmography (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Luis Rego, le" Charlot "sortant", Jean-Pierre Thiollet , Le Quotidien de Paris , 03/18/1982.

Web links

Commons : Luis Rego  - collection of images, videos and audio files