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Original title Man
Movie poster Männin.jpg
Country of production France , Germany
original language German , French
Publishing year 2015
length 20 minutes
Director Mika'ela Fisher
script Mika'ela Fisher
production Chrysopras Films
coproduction The Hot Line
music Birgit Yew
camera Philippe German
cut Pierre Goupillon

Männin is a French-German, dramatic short film directed by Mika'ela Fisher from 2015 . The film premiered in France on January 7, 2015.


Male is a psychological interrogation . Man and woman grapple with the identity rules of society and try to become aware of their role. In doing so, they fall back on their biblical ancestors, the first human couple and ancestors of all humans, Adam and Eve .

The film begins with nature shots and various noises. A voice accompanies the sequence of the pictures with biblical texts from Genesis : In the beginning God created heaven and earth. The earth was desolate and empty. Then God said: “Let there be light! And there was light. Then on the fifth day God said: "Let us make people in our image, like us ..."

The second part of the film takes place in a vacuum . Man (Adam) and woman (Eva) lie naked, only wearing shoes, with their backs against each other in the fetus position on the floor. Both have headphones plugged into their ears. The woman's phone rings. An interrogation ensues that ends with the question: "And who will you be tomorrow".

The third part of the film shows a bucolic garden. Eva stands elegantly dressed in a black suit under the tree of life . Adam, dressed in a black tuxedo, surprises her. The interrogation continues, examining the identity of men and women in society . And again the question arises: "And who will you be tomorrow?"

The fourth part of the film takes place in a vacuum again. Man and woman talk on the phone and lose contact. They find that one cannot exist without the other. “Without you, no me. Until death do us part ”.

The fifth part of the film shows the fusion of the two into one, one male.

In the sixth and last part of the film you can see the hands of a woman and a man typing Kafka's thesis on a typewriter.


What does it mean to be a man? What does it mean to be a woman? A search for identity that unites these two sexes into the same person.


Mannin is a word from the Luther Bible . Gen 2.23  LUT

  • Adam and Eve are interpreted by the same person, thus revealing the duality and equality of us all.
  • The film ends with a thesis by Franz Kafka . Octave book G (II, 2)

We were driven from Paradise, but it was not destroyed. The expulsion from Paradise was lucky in a sense, because if we had not been expelled, Paradise would have had to be destroyed. (Franz Kafka)

The dialogues in the film are alternately in German and French , and are intended to support the idea of duality .

Participation in festivals


  • Award of Merit (Women Filmmakers) Accolade Global Film Competition 2015
  • Nomination (Best Short Film Avantgardefilm ) American Psychological Association APA Film Festival 2015


Männin had his film debut on January 7, 2015 in the cinema Saint-André des Arts as part s'expose Mika Ela , and was again from 16 December 2015 at the Arthouse - Cinema Studio Galande in Paris shown.

The film is registered in the catalog of the Bibliothèque nationale de France and can therefore be viewed there if desired.

Web links

Individual evidence