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Coordinates: 58 ° 55 '  N , 25 ° 54'  E

Map: Estonia

Müüsleri (German Seinigal ) is a village ( Estonian küla ) in the rural municipality of Kareda ( Kareda vald ) in the Estonian district of Järvamaa .


Müüsleri has 130 inhabitants (as of 2000). The village is located 18 kilometers northeast of Paide ( Weißenstein ).

The village was first mentioned in 1564 under the name Sainall . The estate, which was built in the first half of the 17th century, had the same name. The current name Müüsleri goes back to the second half of the 17th century when a certain Cord Meuseler acquired the estate in 1669.


The manor was created under Georg Wolmar von Fahrensbach (1586–1633). It changed hands frequently in the following decades. In 1760 ownership passed to the noble von Schilling family . The last owner before the expropriation in the course of the Estonian land reform in 1919 was the Baltic German lawyer and Riigikogu MP Carl Baron Schilling (1872–1941).

The elongated, single-storey mansion was built at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. In the second half of the 19th century, the right part was extended by an upper floor. In the 1920s and 30s, the manor house housed a school. Most of the building was destroyed in 1941 during World War II. Today only ruins remain.


In the park of the manor there is now a modern amusement park with sculptures and houses of the Kilplased , the Estonian shield citizens . Among other things, you can see the famous Schilda town hall. The amusement park Kilplala ("Schilda") is a popular destination.

Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald (1803–1879) translated and adapted Gotthard Oswald Marbach's 1838 book “Der Schildbürger miraculous, adventurous, unheard of and hitherto undescribed stories and deeds” into Estonian . In 1857 Kreutzwald's collection of stories was published under the title Kilplaste imewärklikud, wäga kentsakad, maa-ilmas kuulmata ja tännini weel üleskirjutamata jutud ja teud. Kalkuni keelest Maakeele tõlgitud ja meie külade komblikuks mõnes tükis ümbersolgitud . As a result, the shield citizens also became popular in the Baltic States . Kreutzwald settled the Estonian Schilda in the area of ​​today's Müüsleri.

Estonian War of Independence

One of the decisive battles of the Estonian War of Independence (1918–1920) took place at Müüsleri from January 5 to 9, 1919 . The Estonians were able to stop the advance of the Soviet Russian troops here and prevent the Bolsheviks from taking Paide .

A memorial on a hill commemorates the battle. The pyramid-shaped granite sculpture based on plans by the Estonian artist August Roosileht (1887–1941) was inaugurated in 1934 by the Estonian head of state and government Konstantin Päts . During the Soviet occupation of Estonia, the monument was blown up but rebuilt in 1988.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://kreutzwald.kirmus.ee/et/lisamaterjalid/ajatelje_materjalid?item_id=50&table=Events
  2. Indrek Rohtmets: Kultuurilooline Eestimaa. Tallinn 2004 ( ISBN 9985-3-0882-4 ), p. 370