Mülheim citizens' initiatives

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Mülheim citizens' initiatives

Basic data
Art Voter group
distribution DEU Muelheim an der Ruhr COA.svg Mülheim an der Ruhr
Establishment date July 25, 1999
Place of foundation Mülheim an der Ruhr
Board Lothar Reinhard
Deputy Annette Klövekorn, Thomas Grell, Dean Luthmann, Albrecht Warth
Treasurer Gesine Schloßmacher
Spokeswoman Heidelore Godbersen
address Kohlenkamp 1
45468 Mülheim / Ruhr,
Website www.mbi-mh.de
Proportion of women 36.67%

The Mülheim Citizens 'Initiatives (own spelling: MBI - Mülheim Citizens' Initiatives) are a group of voters from Mülheim an der Ruhr .


In terms of content, the MBI distances itself strongly from the “established” parties CDU , FDP , Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen and especially from the SPD , without their positions being clearly assigned to “right” or “left” ideologies.

As a local group of voters, local issues are the focus of the election programs. When it comes to the central issues of Mülheim's local politics, the MBI opposes regular air traffic with jet planes at the Essen / Mülheim airfield and is against the controversial Ruhrbania urban development project , especially since budget consolidation is now considered inevitable even by the governing parties.

It calls for the remunicipalisation of the basic supply (water, gas, electricity, sewage, garbage, street cleaning) through the sale of RWE shares for a specific purpose .

It calls for the "increased and relentless fight against corruption , felt, cousin and cousin economy , consistent investigation of known corruption cases such as Yassine, Bremekamp etc."

The Mounir Yassine case

In the local elections on September 12, 1999, the MBI moved into the Mülheim City Council with three representatives for the first time and thus had parliamentary strengths. One of the core statements of the MBI was the opposition to the expansion of the Essen / Mülheim airport and the rejection of the privatization of the Mülheim waterworks.

On June 21, 2001, Mounir Yassine, who was elected to the council at number 3 of the MBI, moved from the MBI parliamentary group to the SPD parliamentary group. As a result, the MBI lost its parliamentary group status, thus 150,000 € annually as a parliamentary group subsidy, had to dismiss its two parliamentary group employees and the competent citizens of the MBI were voted out of all bodies by the other parties.

After Yassine moved to the SPD parliamentary group, in 2001 they voted together with the FDP parliamentary group with a majority for the expansion of the airport and for the Ruhrbania project. Yassine became chairman of the local group Mülheim-Dümpten.

In 2002 Yassine received a fixed-term employment contract from Mülheimer Entsorgungsgesellschaft (MEG). In December 2003 he was permanently employed by the managing director Gabriele Semmler (SPD) and the operations manager Hubert Hanrath after hearing the works council Anton Schaaf (SPD) - without internal or external advertisement . On October 22, 2003, the then press spokesman of the MEG Volker Meertz (CDU) raised allegations against the managing director of the MEG Gabriele Semmler (SPD) because of the employment of Yassine. Because of these allegations, Meertz was dismissed without notice.

In addition to his regular salary, he received up to € 150,000 for overtime, some of which he demonstrably did not work at all. There he became head of the fermentation plant.

In the 2004 local elections , Yassine was elected to the council as a direct candidate for the SPD.

On January 30th, 2008 the Mülheimer Entsorgungsbetriebe (MEG) terminated the employment relationship with Yassine. On February 13, 2008, he resigned from the SPD parliamentary group.

In a request from the MBI to the Mülheim Council on March 6, 2008, they claimed, referring to an article in the WAZ, that Yassine had been bribed in 2001 with 20,000 DM.


choice Voters % Mandates candidate
DEU Muelheim an der Ruhr COA.svg Local election in Mülheim on June 2, 2014
- Council election 10.1% 5 of 54
- Choice to the BVs
DEU Muelheim an der Ruhr COA.svg Local election in Mülheim on August 30, 2009
- If either Friedrich-Wilhelm "Friedel" Lemke
- Council election 11.6% 7 of 58
- Choice to the BVs 10.42% 7 of 57
DEU Muelheim an der Ruhr COA.svg Local elections on September 26, 2004
- Council election 7.199 10.3% 5 of 52
- Choice to the BVs 6,639 9.5% 6 of 57
DEU Muelheim an der Ruhr COA.svg By-election on March 23, 2003
- If either 1,290 2.3% Wilhelm "Willi" Schmitz-Post
Coat of arms of Germany.svg Bundestag election on September 22, 2002
- Mülheim-Essen I constituency 731 0.5% Hans-Georg Hötger
DEU Muelheim an der Ruhr COA.svg Local election on September 12, 1999
- Council election 5.5% 3 of 52
- Choice to the BVs 3 of 57
%: Share of the vote

MBI has been participating in elections since the 1999 local elections. In the 2004 local elections, the MBI achieved the third strongest result behind the SPD and CDU and ahead of the Greens, FDP and the voter group WIR .

For the by-election to the Lord Mayor, the MBI presented Wilhelm Schmitz-Post for the first time in 2003 and achieved 2.3% of the vote. A total of eight people applied for the highest office in the city. In the second ballot, which was still necessary at the time, Dagmar Mühlenfeld from the SPD won.

Individual evidence

  1. MBI team ( Memento of the original from July 17, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.mbi-mh.de
  2. Overview: Budget forum: starting position. City of Mülheim an der Ruhr, undated, accessed on September 18, 2018.
  3. ^ Frank Helling: Job Service Society - negotiations stopped. In: The West - Portal of the WAZ media group . NRZ , May 13, 2008, accessed on September 18, 2018 : “There are no discussions with ex-boss Frank Bremekamp about a severance payment. The public prosecutor's office is investigating. "
  4. "Mölmsche Democracy - Riddles, Oddities and Cruelties" - Defectors and career advancement - all coincidence? (No longer available online.) In: www.mbi-mh.com . MBI, August 16, 2003, archived from the original on July 21, 2004 ; retrieved on July 4, 2009 : “All parties (SPCDFDPUGRÜNE) then voted in the summer of 2001, mercilessly and without compromise, to completely cancel all funds from the MBI and they elected all knowledgeable citizens of the MBI from the committees. The two employees had to be fired, the office had to be financed exclusively through donations, the city even asked for the computer that had been bought by the city to be returned, etc. However, the vast majority of inquiries / applications still typically come from the MBI. Often with nonsensical B-plans, for a long time to the Metrorapid, and especially with felt and sell-off stories, the MBI were / are alone in the committees, even as OB Baganz resigned because of the affair with the advisor, who the city as "purveyor to the court" advised billions on unclean sales to Trienekens and RWE . No one except the MBI wanted clarification, let alone consequences! ” Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.mbi-mh.com
  5. Detlef Schönen: The Supervisory Board was in the picture for a long time. In: The West - Portal of the WAZ media group . NRZ , February 5, 2008, accessed on July 7, 2015 : “So who was it? The occasion reveals a hint of why Jeppel had to provide information about Yassine on the supervisory board. Because already in the previous MEG supervisory board meeting, on November 6, 2003, Jeppel had reported that the company had parted ways with Volker Meertz, the previous press spokesman and recorder of the supervisory board meetings. Without notice. What is interesting about this is the reason: Meertz had, as the protocol notes, on October 22nd, 2003 "allegations made against Ms. Semmler". Specifically: Yassine was hired without an internal or external advertisement. This must have legal consequences. "
  6. Peter Kleinert: Should the scandal surrounding Mülheim SPD council member Yassine be covered up? - The court adjourned the public hearing again. In: Online Flyer No. 148 of May 28, 2008. Neue Rheinische Zeitung (online), May 28, 2008, accessed on July 3, 2009 : “In 2005, SPD member and city treasurer Gerd Bultmann got a new job as MEG managing director. There he was responsible for the fermentation plant, in which Yassine had been hired as plant manager after his move from the MBI to the SPD, which changed the majority of the council. Bultmann then approved “the mountains of overtime” through which Mounir Yassine “tripled his salary”, according to MBI. When the investigations into the "Yassine case" began, Bultmann was finally "released" in January 2008. His contract is still valid until 2010. Even the managing director of the city's own Jobservice GmbH (JSG), Frank Bremekamp, ​​was terminated without notice in autumn after a million deficit was discovered in his area and the public prosecutor's office began to investigate him. Shortly beforehand, according to MBI, Bremekamp had hired the brother of SPD councilor Yassine Bruder in the JSG. "
  7. Andreas Heinrich: MEG separates from the SPD city councilor Mounir Yassine - the next one can take his hat off. In: The West - Portal of the WAZ media group . WAZ , January 30, 2008, accessed on July 7, 2015 : “Wednesday noon [30. January 2008] the management ended the employment relationship with Mounir Yassine. He had been employed by MEG since 2002 and pretended to be a chemist. "
  8. City Council. (No longer available online.) In: BÜRGERINFORMATIONSSYSTEM. City of Mülheim, archived from the original on March 31, 2009 ; Retrieved on July 4, 2009 (Councilors of the 15th electoral period 2004 - 2009): "Mounir Yassine - City Councilor - non-attached (SPD until February 13, 2008)" Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.muelheim-ruhr.de
  9. Detlef Schönen: Crisis round on Friday. In: The West - Portal of the WAZ media group . NRZ , February 10, 2008, accessed on July 8, 2015 : “The [Yassine], on the other hand, has not yet been ready to vacate his place in the council, said on Sunday [10. February 2008] but that he will resign from the SPD and thus also from the SPD parliamentary group: "What should I do there?" "
  10. Query for the City Council of Mülheim an der Ruhr on March 6, 2008 - Serious incidents involving Councilor Yassine. (No longer available online.) MBI Group, March 6, 2008, archived from the original on March 8, 2009 ; accessed on July 4, 2009 : “II. Change of faction of Yassine in June 2001: 5. What did Ms. Mühlenfeld and Mr. Wiechering know about the negotiations of Mr. [Christian] Luerweg with Yassine, namely that negotiations with Yassine on the change of faction were possibly already in progress in spring 2001 via WIB and Mr. Luerweg, in which an "overflow fee" of 20,000 DM is said to have been agreed, which should then have been paid in 2 installments in July and August (cf. WAZ of February 9, 2008). “ Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and still Not checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.mbi-mh.de
  11. ^ Mühlenfeld before Leidinger, runoff election on April 6, 2003. (pdf) (No longer available online.) In: SIS aktuell 01/2003. Municipal Development Planning and Urban Research Unit, March 24, 2003, p. 4 , archived from the original on July 23, 2010 ; accessed on July 3, 2009 (German). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.muelheim-ruhr.de
  12. Regional Returning Officer


  1. Frank Bremekamp was the managing director of the city's own Job Service Society (JSG), which generated a deficit of € 1.3 million. He was dismissed without notice in November 2007 because of “the economic situation and considerable inconsistencies in various business transactions” . Bremekamp had hired a brother of the former SPD parliamentary group member Mounir Yassine and the CDU city councilor Bernd Dickmann at the JSG.
  2. A member of a city council or a district assembly does not have to surrender his mandate to the party or group of voters when transferring from one party or group of voters to another, even if his new party or group of voters has opposing positions to those for which he was elected has been.
  3. At that time, parties and voter groups only received parliamentary groups with three or more representatives. The black and yellow state government has since reduced this to two representatives.