MSC Fabiola type

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MSC Fabiola type
The MSC Fabiola in Oakland
The MSC Fabiola in Oakland
Ship data
Ship type Container Ship
Shipping company Peter Döhle, Hamburg
Claus-Peter Offen, Hamburg
Shipyard Samsung Heavy Industries, Geoje, South Korea
Construction period 2010 to 2011
Units built 6th
Ship dimensions and crew
366.08 m ( Lüa )
350.85 m ( Lpp )
width 48.20 m
Side height 29.80 m
Draft Max. 15.50 m
measurement 140,259 GT
75,664 NRZ
crew up to 32
Machine system
machine 1 × MAN B&W 12K98MC-C two-stroke diesel engine
performanceTemplate: Infobox ship / maintenance / service format
72,240 kW (98,219 hp)
24.1 kn (45 km / h)
propeller 1 × fixed propeller
Transport capacities
Load capacity 146,092 dwt
Container 12,600 TEU
Connections for refrigerated containers 1000

The ships of the MSC Fabiola -type among the ULCS - container ships .


The series was delivered in 2010/11 by the shipyard Samsung Heavy Industries based in Geoje , South Korea . The series was commissioned by the two Hamburg shipping companies Peter Döhle and Claus-Peter Offen .

The model ship of the series, the MSC Fabiola , ran aground on the afternoon of April 28, 2016 after engine problems at kilometer 144 of the Suez Canal. The MSC Fabiola blocked the fairway, whereupon the rest of the traffic on the waterway had to be stopped.


On the one hand, the size of the double-hulled ships is most important ; When they were built, they were among the largest container ships in the world. In terms of shipbuilding, however, there are a number of innovations and details that are more conspicuous, especially in terms of environmental protection in maritime shipping . In contrast to the majority of conventional container ships, the deckhouse is arranged far forward, which enables an improved line of sight and thus higher forward deck loading. Among other things, the bunker tanks are arranged below the superstructure in order to meet the latest MARPOL regulations. The powerful drive system with the two-stroke diesel main engine type MAN B&W 12K98MC-C positioned as far aft as possible is also outstanding. The holds of the ships are closed with pontoon hatch covers. The ships have a maximum container capacity of 12,600  TEU , with an average container weight of fourteen tons, the capacity is significantly reduced. There are also 1000 connections for integral refrigerated containers , of which up to 900 can continue to be operated during maneuvers.

The ships

MSC Fabiola type
Building name Build number IMO number Keel laying,
Client Renaming and whereabouts
MSC Fabiola 1793 9447847 January 11, 2010
April 1, 2010
December 29, 2010
Peter Döhle -
MSC Filomena 1795 9447861 June 24, 2010
October 2, 2010
December 29, 2010
Peter Döhle -
MSC Faustina 1797 9447885 October 4, 2010
December 18, 2010
April 12, 2011
Peter Döhle -
MSC Fillippa 1799 9447902 January 24, 2011
April 9, 2011
June 20, 2011
Peter Döhle -
CMA CGM Alaska 1814 9469572 August 16, 2010
November 13, 2010
January 24, 2011
Claus-Peter Offen -
CMA CGM Nevada 1818 9471408 May 16, 2011
July 29, 2011
November 4, 2011
Claus-Peter Offen -

Web links

Commons : MSC-Fabiola type  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Single receipts

  1. MSC Fabiola grounding blocks Suez Canal convoy at Lloyd's List , April 29, 2016 (English)
  2. ^ DNV GL: MSC Fabiola. Retrieved June 10, 2017 .
  3. DNV GL: MSC Filomena. Retrieved June 10, 2017 .
  4. DNV GL: MSC Faustina. Retrieved June 10, 2017 .
  5. DNV GL: MSC Fillippa. Retrieved June 10, 2017 .
  6. DNV GL: CMA CGM Alaska. Retrieved June 10, 2017 .
  7. DNV GL: CMA CGM Nevada. Retrieved June 10, 2017 .