Madeira wine (type)

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Madeira wine
Rigid 011025-0011 Anredera cordifolia.jpg

Madeira wine ( Anredera cordifolia )

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Basellaceae (Basellaceae)
Genre : Salutation
Type : Madeira wine
Scientific name
Anredera cordifolia
( Ten. ) Steenis

Madeira wine or Basellkartoffel ( Anredera cordifolia ) is a plant of the genus Anredera in the family of basellaceae (Basellaceae).

Madeirawin as a climbing plant in Hawaii


Madeira wine is a highly branched, perennial climbing plant that reaches heights of 1 to 7 meters. The plant forms tubers. The leaves are fleshy, heart-shaped at the base, short stalked and have a length of 2.5 to 10 centimeters.

The racemose inflorescences are 5 to 10 (rarely up to 30) centimeters long. The white and fragrant flowers are hermaphroditic, but functionally mostly male.

The flowering period extends from October to November.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 24 or 36.


Madeira wine is originally found in South America in Bolivia , Brazil, Paraguay , Uruguay and Argentina. In southern Europe, on the Canary Islands, Cape Verde , Azores and Madeira , in southern Africa, in western Asia, China, Japan , New Zealand , Australia, on Hawaii , in Mexico and in the United States it is a neophyte, and in some areas it is highly invasive.


Synonyms for Anredera cordifolia are: Boussingaultia cordifolia Ten. (Basionym), Anredera cordifolia subsp. gracilis (Miers) Xifreda & Argimón , Boussingaultia gracilis Miers .


Madeira wine is used as a tuber and leaf vegetable and rarely as an ornamental plant for fence clothing. He's been in culture since the 20th century.


  • Eckehart J. Jäger, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd K. Müller (eds.): Rothmaler excursion flora from Germany. Volume 5: Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants . Spectrum Academic Publishing House, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anredera cordifolia at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  2. a b Anredera in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved September 19, 2017.
  3. Madeira Vine: an ironic Harvest - Milkwood: permaculture courses, skills + stories . In: Milkwood: permaculture courses, skills + stories . July 25, 2014 ( [accessed January 24, 2018]).

Web links

Commons : Madeira Wine ( Anredera cordifolia )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files