Magdalene from Dewall

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Magdalene von Dewall (* May 8, 1927 - January 1, 2014 ) was a German archaeologist who dealt in particular with the early history of the Far East .


Magdalene von Dewall his doctorate in 1961 at the University of Hamburg for Dr. phil. The title of her doctoral thesis is Horse and Cart in Ancient China . Dewall became one of the leading figures in the field of Sino archeology and is considered to be the founder of a new way of looking at Chinese history, which dealt with the everyday life in early China. Among other things, Dewall was employed at the South Asia Institute at Heidelberg University , where she worked in the field of ethnology . In the field of Sino archeology, Dewall was particularly concerned with chariots , bronzes from the Dian empire and burial rituals .

On her 80th birthday, Dewall donated a research center for the archeology and culture of East Asia to the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museum in Mannheim . In her will she ordered the establishment of Dr. Magdalene von Dewall Foundation for the Promotion of Sino Archeology . The foundation is committed to promoting science and archeology as well as promoting young talent in the field of Chinese archeology. In addition, the scientific exchange between China and Germany is to be promoted.

Individual evidence

  1. Magdalena von Dewall, Horse and Cart in Early China. Accessed December 1, 2017 (German).
  2. ^ Magdalene von Dewall (1927–2014): a portrait. Retrieved December 1, 2017 .
  3. Hamburger China-Notes (ed.): Holiday for M. von Dewall . tape 57 . Hamburg May 20, 2007.
  4. Dr. Magdalene von Dewall Foundation for the Promotion of Sino Archeology . In: German Foundation Center . March 30, 2016 ( [accessed December 1, 2017]).