Magomed Aliyevich Eneev

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Magomed Alijewitsch Enejew ( Karachay-Balkar Энейланы Алийни жашы Магомед Eneilany Alijni schaschy Magomed * 1897 in Kjondelen, Terek Oblast ; † 27. August 1928 in Rostov-on-Don ) was a Balkar - Soviet Communist .


Enejews father Ali Efendi Ogurlujewitsch Enejew was a renowned balkarischer Imam , who in the fight against paganism the holy Birnbaum 1897 Raubasy the Balkars precipitated. Enejew studied for three years at a madrassah in Konstantin Opel .

After his return, Eneev joined the Bolsheviks . In May 1918 he took part in the work of the 3rd meeting of the Terek peoples, at which he was elected chairman. This was followed by studies at the Socialist Academy in Moscow . He then helped found the Soviet Mountain Republic in the North Caucasus . He created a Karachay-Balkarian fibula (in Latin script or Cyrillic script ). When in 1921 in the Soviet Mountain Republic, as one of the eight national districts, the autonomous Balkan district was established, Enejew became President of the Executive Committee (1921–1922). In December 1923 he became the first secretary of the Chechen organizational office of the CPSU . In 1925 he received leading positions in the North Caucasus, while Yefrem Eschba became First Secretary of the Chechen organizational office of the CPSU.

On August 27, 1928, Eneev shot himself in his office in Rostov-on-Don . He was married to Yevgenia Petrovna nee Fyodorova. His son is the mathematician Timur Magometowitsch Enejew . Eneev's brother Machmud Aliyevich Enejew (1901–1938) was Minister of Culture of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria in 1937 and arrested and shot in 1938.

Individual evidence

  1. Устирхан Алиевич Улигов, Д. В. Шабаев: За власть Советов . Изд-во Ельбрус, 1987.
  2. a b c Бегиева-Кучмезова Р .: Свет звезды и свечи. К 90-летию Тимура Магометовича Энеева . ИПМ им. М.В. Келдыша, Moscow 2015, ISBN 978-5-98354-016-3 ( [accessed September 1, 2017]).
  3. Рашад Хусейнович Гугов, Борис Мустафаевич Жумакулов: Документы по истории борьбы за советскую власть и образования автономии Кабардино -Балкарии, гг 1917-1922 . Эльбрус, 1983.
  4. Устирхан Алиевич Улигов: В борьбе за Советскую власть в Кабардино-Балкарии: историко-биографические очерки . Книжное изд-во Эльбрус, 1969.
  5. Рашад Хусейнович Гугов: Воспоминания участников Октябрьской революции и гражданской война вирдиларскор . Кабардино-Балкарское книжное изд-во, 1960.
  6. Аккиева Светлана Исмаиловна, Сампиев Исрапил Магомедович: Этнотерриториальная и образовательная политика в конструировании советской идентичности на Северном Кавказе (accessed on 1 September 2017).
  7. a b Борис Биязуркаевич Темукуев: Под сенью гор: взлеты и падения T. 1 . Изд-во М. и В. Котляровых, 2015, ISBN 978-5-93680-835-7 .
  8. Чеченцы в истории, политике, науке и культуре России: исследования и документы . Наука, 2008, ISBN 978-5-02-033995-8 .
  9. Министры культуры Кабардино-Балкарской Республики (accessed September 1, 2017).