Mahmut Makal

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Mahmut Makal (* 1930 in Demirci , Gülağaç district , Turkey ; died August 10, 2018 in Ankara ) was a Turkish writer and founder of the publishing house. He is considered to be the most important representative of Turkish social realism of the 1950s and 1960s and the founder of the literary genre "village literature" ( Turkish köy edebiyatı ). His best-known work, Bizim Köy (1950), caused a sensation because it relentlessly portrayed village life. Makal was arrested and spent two months in prison until the allegations of communist propaganda in this work could be refuted. Further works followed. In 1967 he was dismissed from school on a similar suspicion and was later reinstated. His works have been translated into numerous languages.


Mahmut Makal was born in Demirci village on the Konya plateau . His mother gave birth to him in a potato field. Makal went to hand his father, a shepherd, in the summer and to school in the winter. He remained closely associated with this village.

After graduating from primary school in 1943, after passing the entrance exam, he attended the İvriz Village Institute , which had just opened , where he was trained as a village school teacher. Due to the lack of space, the lessons mostly took place outdoors. Makal wrote his first writings in İvriz. They were published in the institute's journal İvriz Eğitim Dergisi ("Educational Journal İvriz"). From 1947 Makal taught as a village school teacher in the village of Nurgöz and later in his home village Demirci. He also worked on his novel. The original title was Bir köy öğretmeninin notları ("Notes of a Village School Teacher ") and was first published in the Varlık magazine. At the beginning of 1950 he published the work in book form under the title Bizim Köy ("Our Village"). A few months later, after the snow melted, Mahmut Makal was arrested and taken to Aksaray prison. The reason for the arrest was allegations that Makal was engaged in communist propaganda. After two months in detention, two lawyers, including Oktay Rifat , obtained his release. In 1952 Makal published his second novel Hayal ve Gerçek (about: Fantasy and Reality).

Mahmut Makal studied at Gazi Eğitim Enstitüsü in Ankara from 1953 and became an inspector for primary school education. This task enabled him to make inspection trips to the regions of Adana, Antalya and Ankara. From mid-1964 to mid-1965 he worked at a sociological research institute in France. In 1965 he stood up for the parliamentary elections as a candidate for the Türkiye İşçi Partisi for the Istanbul constituency.

In 1967 he was released. He was suspected of communist activities. He spent the winter of 1967 in a small village in Eastern Anatolia , near the Iranian border. The stay there and the low earthen huts inspired him to his work Yeraltında Bir Anadolu (about: "An underground Anatolia").

After a decision by the Danıştay (State Council) he was reinstated. There have been numerous investigations against him. His covers were also used as leverage against Makal. In 1968 he said goodbye and lived in poor conditions on the outskirts of Ankara. He was unemployed for a long time. During this time Makal founded the publishing house Bizim Köy and worked at a school for the deaf and mute in Istanbul. From 1971 to 1972 he taught the Turkish language and literature in Venice .

After the military coup in 1980 Makal lived in Berlin for some time , later he returned to Ankara. Mahmut Makal was married to Naciye Poyraz. The couple had two children. He died in August 2018 at the age of 88 in the Hacettepe Education and Research Hospital in Ankara.


In Turkish language

  • Köy Enstitüleri ve ötesi. Literatur Yayınları, İstanbul 2009
  • Hayal ve Gerçek Yirmi Beş Yıl Sonra Bizim Köy. 11th edition. Literatur, İstanbul 2008
  • Memleketin Sahipleri. 8th edition. Literatur, İstanbul, 2008
  • Yeraltında Bir Anadolu. 6th edition. Literatur, İstanbul 2008
  • Bozkırdaki Kıvılcım college student. 5th edition. Literatur, İstanbul 2008
  • Deli Memedin Türküsü. 4th edition. Literatur, İstanbul 2008
  • Bir işçinin günlüğünden hayal ve gerçek. Değişenler. 1st edition. Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara 2001
  • Bir işçinin günlüğünden. Tekin Yayınevi, İstanbul 1980
  • Köy enstituleri ve ötesi. Anılar, belgeler. Çağdaş Yayınları, İstanbul, 1979; 2nd Edition. Çağdaş Yayınları, İstanbul 1990
  • Kuru sevda. Kalkınma masalı. Cem Yayınevi, İstanbul 1979
  • Yer altında bir Anadolu. May Yayınları, İstanbul 1968
  • Bu ne biçim ülke? Denemeler. 1st edition. Öncü Kitabevi, İstanbul 1968
  • Halktan ayrı düşenler. 2nd Edition. İnkılâp ve Aka Kitabevleri, İstanbul 1965
  • Köpeksiz köy. 2nd Edition. İnkılâp ve Aka Kitabevleri, İstanbul 1965
  • Koye Gidenler. Hikâye. İnkılâp ve Aka Kitabevleri, İstanbul 1965
  • Kalkınma masalı. Varlık Yayınevi, İstanbul 1960
  • 17 nisan. Yeditepe Yayınları, İstanbul 1959
  • Hayal ve gerçek. Köyümden. Varlık Yayınevi, İstanbul 1957; 3. Edition. Varlık Yayınevi, İstanbul [1965]
  • Bizim köy. Bir köy öğretmeninin notları, 6th edition. Varlık Yayınevi, Ankara 1957; 16th edition. Literatur, İstanbul 2008
  • Memleketin sahipleri. Varlık Yayınevi, İstanbul 1954

In German language

  • Our village in Anatolia. 3rd, supplemented German edition. Express Edition, Berlin 1983
  • My village in Anatolia. A report. 1st edition Insel-Verlag, Frankfurt a. M. 1971

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mahmut Makal'ın ardından ,, August 12, 2018, accessed on August 13, 2018
  2. ^ Yüksel Pazarkaya: Roses in the Frost. Insights into Turkish culture. Zurich 1989, p. 168.
  3. Köy edebiyatı akımının başlatıcısı Mahmut Makal vefat etti ,, August 12, 2018