Manfred Breasts

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Manfred Brusten (born June 29, 1939 in Anrath ) is a German sociologist and sociological criminologist .


Brusten studied sociology , economics , social policy and social psychology at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster from 1962 to 1965 and at the University of California, Berkeley from 1965 to 1966 . There he familiarized himself with the methods of empirical social research and with symbolic interactionism . After traveling to the USA , Mexico , Japan , Indonesia and India and working at the social research center at the University of Münster in Dortmund, Brusten completed his studies at the University of Münster with a degree in sociology.

He then worked as a research assistant on issues relating to juvenile delinquency at the University of Münster and Bielefeld University . There he was a research assistant from 1972 to 1975 doing research on the sociology of social work . He received his doctorate in 1974 with a thesis on: Perspectives of social control through schools, social work and the police . From 1975 until his retirement in 2004, Brusten taught as professor for deviance research and social control at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal .

As a criminal sociologist, Brusten belongs to the first generation of critical criminology in Germany and has also distinguished himself as a researcher and advisor in police sociology.

In addition to his retirement, Brusten also conducts research projects on the persecution of Jews and the Holocaust and is deputy chairman of the Stolpersteine ​​in Wuppertal eV association

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stolpersteine ​​Wuppertal - Association - Board of Directors - The Board of Directors. In:, accessed on January 14, 2016 .

Fonts (selection)

  • Deviant behavior in school. An investigation into processes of stigmatization , 3rd edition, Munich: Juventa-Verlag, 1976 (with Klaus Hurrelmann ), ISBN 3-7799-0611-2 .
  • Decriminalization. Social scientific analyzes of new forms of criminal policy , Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1985 (as ed.), ISBN 3-531-11756-4 .
  • Criminology in the field of tension between criminal policy and criminal practice , Enke, Stuttgart 1986 (as ed.), ISBN 3-432-95681-9
  • Polizeippolitik , Juventa, Weinheim 1992 (as ed.), ISBN 3-7799-0903-0 .

Web links