Manuela Stehr

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Manuela Stehr (born March 10, 1957 in Berlin ) is a German film producer .


Manuela Stehr studied law with a focus on media law in Berlin and worked as a film producer after her second state examination in 1983 . In 1985 Manuela Stehr founded Fuzzy Filmproduktion in Berlin. In 1986 she produced the feature film by Diethard Küster Va Banque and others in the year 1990 the feature film The Being from Earth ( The essence of the earth ) by David Vostell . In 1992 she became the head of production funding at the Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen and from 1997 she was also an authorized signatory and deputy to the managing director.

In 2000 she joined the production company X-Films Creative Pool as managing director , founded X Verleih AG and became a board member of X Verleih AG . Since then she has produced various films, such as Heaven , Alles auf Zucker! or The Red Cockatoo . From March 2012 to 2015, Stehr was President of the umbrella organization for the film industry . Until 2019 she was on the executive board of the Association of Film Distributors. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Film Funding Agency and the Presidium of the leading organization of the film industry. On May 24, 2019, the supervisory board of X Verleihs announced that Stehr and her board colleagues Andreas Dobers and Stefan Arndt had resigned from their mandates and left the company on April 30, 2019.


Manuela Stehr is married to the film producer Stefan Arndt , the managing partner of X-Films.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. UPDATE: Three X-Verleih board members resigned. In: Blickpunkt: Film. May 24, 2019, accessed May 26, 2019 .