Marcel Chailley

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François-Marcel Chailley (born June 3, 1881 in Asnières-sur-Seine , † June 10, 1936 ) was a French violinist and music teacher.


Chailley became first violinist at the Concerts Colonne at the age of 16 while he was still attending the preparatory class for the Conservatoire de Paris and taking violin lessons with Henri Berthelier . In 1904 his friend Jacques Thibaud took over the position and Chailley became the second soloist.

Around 1900 Chailly began giving violin lessons. He learned to play the piano so far that he could accompany his students. In 1908 he appeared for the first time with the young pianist Céliny Richez, who came from Lille and was a student of Raoul Pugno . She became his wife and became known as a pianist under the name Céliny Chailley-Richez . Together with her he performed violin sonatas by contemporary composers such as César Franck , Gabriel Pierné and Guillaume Lekeu , and later also by Claude Debussy .

As a chamber musician, Chailley founded his own string quartet (or a piano quintet with his wife), which included the Russian violinist Daniel Guilevitch , the violist Léon Pascal, and successively the cellists Fernand Dussol , Jean Veyron , Louis Ruyssen and Diran Alexanian .

During World War I, Chailley was drafted into the military, but discharged because of chronic asthma. He went on a trip to Brazil with his quartet, where he was received by the French Ambassador Paul Claudel and the Embassy Secretary Darius Milhaud and gave concerts that were enthusiastically received. In the 1920s this quartet was the most successful French chamber music ensemble, performing with triumphant success in France, England, Switzerland and Holland.

At the end of 1925, Chailley retired from concert activities, his quartet was continued by Joseph Calvet . From 1927 until his death he taught at the École normal de musique founded by Auguste Mangeot . His numerous students included Harry Adaskin , Janine Andrade , Madeleine Barrion , André Barthelemy , Hélène Bikelas , Brigitte de Beaufond , Lola Bobesco , Germaine Borde , Gilbert Brel , Jacqueline Brilli , Dany Brunschwig , Marie-Thérèse Chailley , Jean Champeil , Giorgio Ciompi , Charles Cyroulnik , Marcelle Deriaz , Jacques Dumont , Lisette Ferlet , Robert Ferras , Jaime Figueroa , Simone Filon , Colette Frantz , Fernand Gabez , Marie.France Gaudu , Christian Gentis , Jean Gitton , Ivry Gitlis , Edwige Grabowska , Marie-Thérèse Ibos , Arved Kurtz , Henri Lewkowicz , Jean Martinon , Ghislaine Demonceau , Lily Morlange , Pierre de la Motte Rouge , Ginette Neveu , Herbert Pepper , Alban Perring , Suzanne Plazonich , Jacques Quesnel , Marguerite de Siebenthal , Francine Sorbets , Denise Soriano , Yakov Soroker , Marcel Stern , Henryk Szeryng , Madeleine Vautier , Jeanne Vignery and Vladimir Voulfmann . His son Jacques Chailley became known as a composer.

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