Marcel Juneau

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Marcel Juneau (born June 27, 1943 in Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures , † August 24, 2018 in Québec ) was a Canadian Romance studies , lexicographer and university professor.

life and work

Marcel Juneau studied Romance Philology at the University of Laval ( Québec ), from 1968 with Georges Straka at the University of Strasbourg , from 1970 with Pierre Gardette at the University of Lyon . With the work Contribution à l'histoire de la prononciation française au Québec. Étude des graphies des documents d'archives (published 1972) he received his doctorate in Strasbourg in 1970 and was professor at Laval University from 1971. Together with Micheline Massicotte and Claude Poirier, he collected material for the project of a historically based Trésor de la Langue Française au Québec (TLFQ), for which he was able to raise research funding from 1977. Since he had to retire from the university in 1983 for health reasons, the dictionary was published in 1998 under the edition of Claude Poirier and was entitled Dictionnaire historique du français québécois. Monographies lexicographiques de québécismes. It is considered a milestone in the description of Quebec French .


  • (Ed. With Claude Poirier) Le Livre de comptes d'un meunier québécois. Edition avec étude linguistique . Presses de l'Université Laval, Québéc 1973.
  • (Ed.) Travaux de linguistique québécoise . 4 vols. Presses de l'Université Laval, Québec 1975–1983.
  • (Ed.) La Jument qui crotte de l'argent. Edition et étude linguistique . Presses de l'Université Laval, Québéc 1976.
  • Problems of lexicologie québécoise. Prolégomènes à un Trésor de la French language in Québec . Presses de l'Université Laval, Québéc 1977.


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