Georges Straka

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Georges Straka (born October 22, 1910 in Tábor as Jiři Straka, † December 24, 1993 in Lyon ) was a Czech-French Romance scholar and phonetician .

life and work

Straka studied from 1928 at the University of Prague with Vladimír Buben , Karel Rocher-Skála , but above all with Max Křepinský and the phonetician Joseph Chlumský , who was a student of Jean-Pierre Rousselot and had many years of experience in France. He received his doctorate in Prague in 1934 with Contribution à l'étude de l'amuïssement des consonnes finales en ancien français and went to Paris for three years as a scholarship holder to Mario Roques and Oscar Bloch . From 1937 to 1939 he was a teacher at the French grammar school in Prague , then an employee of the Czech Ministry of Information in Paris, where the Czech government had gone into exile.

In 1940 Straka became a Czech lecturer at the University of Strasbourg and then in Clermont-Ferrand, where the University of Strasbourg had been moved in 1940 and where a mass arrest took place on November 25, 1943. He was deported to Buchenwald Concentration Camp and was there from January 24, 1944 to April 11, 1945 (matriculation number 42031).

After the war, he completed his habilitation in 1958 at the University of Strasbourg with Poème contre une mission prêchée à Saint-Etienne (Loire) en 1821, édition d'un texte en dialecte stéphanois avec traduction, commentaire philologique et linguistique et un glossaire and Poèmes du XVIIIe siècle en dialecte de Saint-Etienne (Loire). Edition avec commentaires philologique et linguistique. Glossaire and worked there as a university professor at the side of Paul Imbs , from 1959 on the chair for general and experimental phonetics, from 1966 until his retirement in 1979 as professor for Romance philology.

In 1947 he founded the Institut de phonétique de Strasbourg (IPS), in 1955 the Center de linguistique romane and in 1963 the journal Travaux de linguistique et de littérature (TraLiLi) , later as Travaux de linguistique et de philologie (TraLiPhi) . He maintained a particularly close collaboration with the Université Laval in Québec , whose young novelists went through the Strasbourg school. Personal friendship connected him with Kurt Baldinger .

Straka was an honorary doctorate from Université Laval, corresponding member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (1974), the Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique (1970), the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (1980) and the Finnish Academy of Sciences . In 1993 he received the gold medal from the University of Brno .

Publications (selection)

  • L'argot tchèque du camp de Buchenwald , in: Revue des études slaves 22, 1946, pp. 105–116.
  • L'arrivée à Buchenwald , in: Témoignages Strasbourgeois: De l'Université aux Camps de Concentration , Strasbourg 1947, pp. 77–91.
  • Poème contre une mission prêchée à Saint-Etienne (Loire) en 1821, édition d'un texte en dialecte stéphanois avec traduction, commentaire philologique et linguistique et un glossaire . Paris 1954.
  • Poèmes du XVIIIe siècle en dialecte de Saint-Etienne (Loire). Edition avec commentaires philologique et linguistique. Glossary . 2 volumes, Paris 1964.
  • with Péla Simon: Quarante ans d'études de linguistique et de philologie à l'université de Strasbourg (1919–1959) , Louvain 1960.
  • Les Sons et les mots. Choix d'études de phonétique et de linguistique , Paris 1979 (collected small writings, pp. 13-28 list of publications).

Straka was the editor and co-editor of numerous collective publications.


  • Phonétique et linguistique romanes. Mélanges offerts à M. Georges Straka , Lyon and Strasbourg 1970.
  • Georges Straka: De Tábor, en Bohême, à Strasbourg par Prague , Paris et Clermont-Ferrand, in: Paths in linguistics. Forty-four autobiographical accounts. Festschrift for Mario Wandruszka , Tübingen 1991, pp. 225–231.
  • Pierre Swiggers: Georges Straka, notice biographique et bibliographique , Leuven 1993.
  • Pierre Swiggers: Georges Straka (1910-1993) , in: Orbis 37, 1994, pp. 593-602.
  • Kurt Baldinger: Georges Straka , in: Journal for Romance Philology 110, 1994, pp. 803–810.
  • Albert Henry: Georges Straka , in: Bulletin de l'Académie royale de Belgique. Classe des lettres , 6e Série, Vol. 5, 1994, pp. 43-46.
  • Jean-Pierre Chambon: Aspects de l'oeuvre linguistique de Georges Straka. Chronologie relative et histoire des faits phoniques , in: Orbis 39, 1996/97, pp. 97–126.
  • Françoise Olivier-Utard, Marie-Louise Woehrling: Straka, Georges . In: Nouveau dictionnaire de biographie alsacienne , Faszikel 47, 2007, p. 4960.

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