Paul Imbs

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Paul Imbs (born May 4, 1908 in Schlettstadt , † April 27, 1987 in Nancy ) was a French Romance scholar , linguist and lexicographer .

life and work

Imbs studied in Strasbourg with Ernest Hoepffner and Mario Roques and taught as Agrégé de grammaire successively in Lille (Lycée Faidherbe 1931 to 1933), Strasbourg (Lycée Kléber 1933 to 1938), Saint-Maur (Lycée Marcelin Berthelot 1938 to 1944, 1943 also to the École normal supérieure de jeunes filles in Fontenay-aux-Roses) and at the University of Caen (assistant 1944). From 1946 he taught at the University of Strasbourg (Maître-Assitant 1946, Maître de Conférences 1948, successor to Ernest Hoepffner on the Chaire de philologie romane 1953). In 1956 he completed his habilitation thesis on the Propositions temporelles en ancien français and founded the Center de philologie et de littérature romanes . In 1957 he organized a colloquium in Strasbourg on a large scientific dictionary of French that was to be created, for which he founded the Center de Recherche pour un trésor de la langue française in 1960 as Recteur d'Académie in Nancy with Gaullist support , which in 1961 was the largest The computer was equipped at the time and from 1971 to 1994 with more than 100 employees published 16 volumes from A to Z under the title Trésor de la langue française , which have since been digitized and can be freely consulted on the Internet ( Analyze et traitement informatique de la langue française ). Imbs wrote a lexicographically significant preface for the first volume.

Since 1972 Imbs was a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres . In 1973, students and friends dedicated the commemorative publication Mélanges de linguistique française et de philologie et littérature médiévales offerts à Paul Imbs , Paris, published by Robert Martin and Georges Straka , to him . Imbs was an honorary doctor of the Universities of Louvain and Ghent , an honorary senator of the University of Karlsruhe and, from 1966, a corresponding member of the Accademia della Crusca . He was an honorary citizen of Sélestat since 1968 and an officer of the Legion of Honor since 1986.

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  • L'Emploi des temps verbaux en français modern. Paris 1960.
  • (Ed.): Lexicologie et lexicographie françaises et romanes: orientations et exigences actuelles . Center national de la recherche scientifique. Colloque international, Strasbourg, November 12-16, 1957. CNRS, Paris 1961.
  • Le subjonctif en français modern. Strasbourg 1953.


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  1. ^ Membership catalog of the Crusca