Margaret Titcomb

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Margaret Titcomb (born February 24, 1891 in Denver , Colorado ; died August 28, 1982 in Honolulu , Hawaii ) was an American librarian , historian, and ethnologist .

Youth and education

Margaret Titcomb was born in Denver , Colorado on February 24, 1891 , and was adopted by George W. Titcomb and his wife. She grew up in Brooklyn , New York City and attended the Packer Collegiate Institute . She then went to college at Columbia University and the University of Hawaii , where she studied science , ethnology and Spanish .


In 1924 Margaret Titcomb became a librarian at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. In 1931 she went to the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum in Hawaii as head of the library . Under Titcomb's direction, the library developed into one of the most important academic libraries on Polynesian natural history, ethnology and history. From 1964 to 1969, a bibliographical catalog of the holdings compiled by Titcomb was published in nine volumes and two supplementary volumes. Her in-depth knowledge of the Hawaiian literature enabled her to write several monographs that are authoritative literature in her fields to this day.

Publications (selection)

  • Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum (Ed.), Margaret Titcomb (Adaptation): Dictionary catalog of the Library. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii . 9 volumes and 2 supplementary volumes. GK Hall, Boston 1964-1969, OCLC 221558205 .
  • Margaret Titcomb (Illustrations by Joseph Feher): The Voyage of the Flying Bird . Dodd, Mead, New York 1963 (children's book, fictional representation of the colonization of Hawaii by Polynesian seafarers).
  • Margaret Titcomb (with Mary Kawena Pukui ): Dog and man in the ancient Pacific with special attention to Hawaii . Bishop Museum Special Publications 59th Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu 1969.
  • Margaret Titcomb (with Mary Kawena Pukui ): The Native Use of Fish in Hawaii, second edition . University Press of Hawaii, 1972, OCLC 171921572 .
  • Margaret Titcomb: The Ancient Hawaiians. How They Clothed Themselves . Hogarth Press, Honolulu 1974.
  • Margaret Titcomb et al .: Native Use of Marine invertebrates in Old Hawaii . Pacific Science Volume 32, No. 4, 1978, Online PDFhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/ 3D% 0A ~ SZ% 3D ~ double-sided% 3D ~ LT% 3DOnline% 20PDF ~ PUR% 3D , 29.1 MB.
  • Harold St. John and Margaret Titcomb: The vegetation of the Sandwich Islands as seen by Charles Gaudichaud in 1819. A translation with notes, of Gaudichaud's "Iles Sandwich" . Bishop Museum Occasional Papers Volume 25, No. 9. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu 1983.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Alexander Spoehr: Obituary. Margaret Titcomb (1891-1982) . In: Journal of the Polynesian Society 1982, Vol. 91, No. 4, pp. 593-594, Online , JSTOR 20705691 .
  2. Margaret Titcomb .