Margret Thomann-Hegner

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Margret Thomann-Hegner (born December 30, 1911 in Emmendingen ; † July 16, 2005 there ) was a German painter and graphic artist .

Margret Thomann-Hegner painter © Peter Thomann.jpg

life and work

Margret Thomann-Hegner was married to the artist Ernst Thomann since 1939 and is the mother of the photo artist and photo journalist Peter Thomann, who was born in 1940 . Growing up in Emmendingen in southern Baden, Thomann-Hegner studied at the Stuttgart School of Applied Arts with Otto Pankok . She studied with Eduard Ege at the Munich training workshops .

She worked in different techniques: oil, pastel, watercolor and mixed media. In addition, she designed wall and window glass designs for public buildings and churches.

A particularly beautiful example are two side windows made in 1967 in the Protestant Orange Memorial Church in Wiesbaden - Biebrich , each with an area of ​​around 36 m². One shows Jesus Christ before Pilate and the other the event of Pentecost (descent of the Holy Spirit ). She also designed:


In 2012 a museum was set up in the former home of the Thomann family. This museum includes the former studio and an adjacent sculpture garden and exhibits works by the artist couple Margret Thomann-Hegner and Ernst Thomann.


  • 1971: Silver medal from the city of Paris for the picture “The King”.
  • 1971: Diploma for the painting “In the Park” on the occasion of an exhibition in the Palazzo delle Espositioni , Rome .
  • 1987: Culture Prize of the City of Emmendingen, together with her husband and son .

Individual evidence

  1. Article in the Netmuseum, museums and exhibitions in Baden-Württemberg  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /