Maria Antonietta Macciocchi

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Maria Antonietta Macciocchi

Maria Antonietta Macciocchi (born July 23, 1922 in Isola del Liri , Italy ; † April 15, 2007 ) was an Italian communist, writer and suffragette.


Maria Antonietta Macciocchi grew up in an anti-fascist family. At the age of twenty she joined the Communist Party of Italy (PCI) . During the war she worked in a resistance hiding place and took part in propaganda campaigns. In 1945 she graduated from La Sapienza University in Rome with a degree in literature and philosophy .

From 1950 to 1956 she headed the magazine Noi Donne , the official organ of the UDI ( Unione Donne in Italia ), the women's organization of the PCI. In 1956 she became the head of the weekly Vie Nuove (New Life), the organ of the Communist Party of Italy, and turned it into an independent magazine, the articles of which did not always have to be in line with the PCI line. For example, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Curzio Malaparte had their say, the latter as one of the first to report on China.

In 1961 she left Vie Nuove and became foreign correspondent for L'Unità in Algiers and Paris, and interviewed many leaders of the world communist movement and the non-aligned countries, such as Tito , Ahmed Ben Bella , Indira Gandhi and Nikita Khrushchev .

In 1968 she was nominated by the PCI for the House of Representatives elections and won a seat in parliament.

Her critical stance towards the party, which the French philosopher Louis Althusser later published in a book, and her obvious enthusiasm for Chinese communism led her to oppose the Central Committee.

In 1971, after returning from a trip to China, Marie Antoinette Macciocchi published a 560-page book entitled China 1972 , in which she praised China as a socialist paradise. This contrast with the party's official line prompted the party not to re-establish it in the next general election in 1972. Marie Antoinette decided to leave Italy and go to Paris, where her books were very successful. From 1972 to 1980 she was a lecturer in political sociology at the University of Paris VIII Vincennes , and in 1977 she received her doctorate in political science from the Sorbonne .

In 1977 Macciocchi was excluded from the PCI and instead joined the Partito Radicale . From 1979 to 1984 she was a member of the European Parliament .


  • China 1972 - Economy, Business and Education since the Cultural Revolution ( Dalla Cina ), Berlin: Wagenbach 1975, together with Charles Bettelheim
  • Virgos, mothers and a leader. Women in Fascism, Berlin: Wagenbach 1976
  • The French mole
  • Lettere dall'interno del PCI a Louis Althusser , 1969

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