Maria Magdalena Z'Graggen

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Maria Magdalena Z'Graggen (born April 19, 1958 in Basel ) is a Swiss artist. She works as a painter in the fields of painting , drawing , installation and film, often in series and groups of works, and is interested in physicality, abstraction, textures and appearance in her work.

Life and professional development

# 1001217 TERRA (Monte Amiata) and # 971117 TERRA (Alba Albula), installation view, Anne Mosseri-Marlio Galerie, Basel, 2018

Maria Magdalena Z'Graggen grew up in a binational family in Basel (mother from Trieste , father from Affoltern a. A. ) and is a citizen of Switzerland and Italy . She attended business school and traveled to Brazil in 1980 . She financed further stays abroad with various jobs in the areas of translation and secretariat. Due to a lack of residence permits , she returned to Switzerland and completed further training as an organizational consultant and then worked in project management at a major bank. She made the decision to invest her creativity in art in the future.

From 1992 to 1996 she attended the painting class at the University of Art and Design in Basel (today part of the FHNW HGK Institute of Art) with Werner von Mutzenbecher and Monika Dillier . From 1994 to 1995 she went on an exchange year at the Cooper Union School of Art, New York, with David Reed , Robert Breer and Hans Haacke . Her work could be seen there at Augusto Arbizo's final exhibition. She was invited by Jill Brienza to her first solo exhibition, which took place in 1998 at the Roger Smith Gallery in New York. Her first highly acclaimed group of works, Friandises , where she combined pasty abstract paintings on wooden blocks to create objects with creamy surfaces, brought her many acquisitions through company collections. Since receiving a scholarship from 2001 to 2003 in New Mexico , she has been represented by various galleries around the world. From 2009 to 2014 she taught at the FHNW University of Art and Design.


The art scholar Isabel Zürcher characterizes in the article Everything was always there in the monograph Luminous Flux Magdalen Z'Graggen's work as an examination of color as matter and as an exploration of the sensual substance of painting. In her work, Maria Magdalena Z'Graggen deals with abstraction as well as narration and examines the qualities of painting on the basis of seriality and rhythm.


  • 2015: Acknowledgment of the fine arts UBS Kulturstiftung, Zurich
  • 2015: Work contribution to the art credit Basel-Stadt
  • 2013: Studio scholarship Christoph Merian Foundation / URRA, Buenos Aires
  • 2009: Main sponsorship award from the Heinrich Danioth Art and Culture Foundation, Canton Uri
  • 2006: Studio grant from the Christoph Merian Foundation, Havana
  • 2001: The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Foundation, Roswell, New Mexico
  • 1997: Fine arts scholarship, Canton of Baselland

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 2018: Alba Albula , Anne Mosseri-Marlio Galerie, Basel
  • 2015: permeabel, the dining room - space for art +, Bonn
  • 2015: Manatee, Anne Mosseri-Marlio Galerie, Basel
  • 2013: Home Away From Home with Joseph Egan and Viktor Kolibal, Der Teufelhof, Basel
  • 2006: Havana, Galerie Martin Flaig, Basel
  • 2006: Trabajos en Papel , Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro, Havana
  • 2005: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea with Joseph Egan and Tom Fellner, Kunstraum Baden and Galerie Ulrich Mueller, Cologne
  • 2004: House for Art Uri, Altdorf
  • 2002: Ulrich Mueller Gallery, Cologne
  • 2002: Mesaoo Wrede Gallery, Hamburg
  • 2002: Roswell Museum and Art Center, Roswell, New Mexico
  • 2000: Roger Smith Gallery, New York
  • 1999: Galerij S 65, Aalst
  • 1999: The Nature of Sweetness, curated by Simon Baur, Edinburgh College of Art
  • 1998: Roger Smith Gallery, New York

Literature (selection)

  • Markus Stegmann (ed.): Luminous Flux. Verlag für Moderne Kunst , Vienna 2016.
  • Melina Berkenwald (ed.): URRA Intercambio Cultural Argentina Suiza: edicion 1, 2 y 3: 2013 - 2015. Buenos Aires.
  • Sybille Feucht (ed.): Permeabel, The dining room - Space for Art +, Bonn 2015.
  • Melina Berkenwald (ed.): Residencias de Arte en Buenos Aires - Octubre 2013. URRA, Buenos Aires.
  • Nationale Suisse in collaboration with the Swiss Institute for Art Research (ed.): Swiss Art in the 21st Century - The Nationale Suisse Collection. Zurich 2012.
  • Ann McGarrell, Sally Anderson: The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program: An Anecdotal History. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque 2007.
  • Maria Magdalena Z'Graggen - Works on paper. Havanna 2006, Galerie Martin Flaig, Basel.
  • Swiss National Insurance Company in collaboration with the Swiss Institute for Art Research (ed.): Swiss Art in the 20th Century - The National Insurance Collection. Zurich / Basel 2004.
  • Cantrade Privatbank AG (ed.): The Collection - The Collection. Cantrade Privatbank, Zurich 2002.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Isabel Zürcher: Everything was always there . In: Markus Stegmann (Ed.): Luminous Flux. Maria Magdalena Z'Graggen . Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Vienna 2016, ISBN 978-3-903131-38-5 , p. 186-188 .