Maria Rehm

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Maria Rehm (née Hölzl ; born June 12, 1915 in Vienna ; † December 27, 2002 in Hall in Tirol ) was an Austrian portrait painter and book illustrator .


Maria Rehm graduated from the Federal Higher Graphic Education and Research Institute . She studied painting, sculpture and glass painting at the arts and crafts school. As a 19-year-old she won the competition for the design of 6 glass windows for the parish church in Währing, which was converted by architect Clemens Holzmeister .

From 1935 to 1937 she was accepted into Herbert Boeckl's master class at the Academy of Applied Arts. In 1936 she received a scholarship for a year abroad, which she completed in Andrea Carena's master class at the Art Academy in Florence. In 1939 she married the painter Helmut Rehm .

After the Vienna studio was destroyed by the war, she moved with both daughters to Hall in Tirol in 1944. Since 1969 she lived in Innsbruck. There she worked primarily as a portrait painter - her chalk and red chalk drawings are primarily known - and as a book illustrator.

Together with her husband, she designed buildings with frescoes and sgraffiti . With him she went on study trips to America, Egypt, Belgium, England, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. She died in 2002 at the age of 87.


Sgraffito Walther von der Vogelweide at the former Austrian court, Innsbruck-Wilten

Painting and design

  • Portraits (mainly of children, but also of Oskar Werner, Otto Grünmandl, Ernst Waldbrunn) Oil, pastel, chalk and watercolor
  • Miniatures
  • Stained glass window (Währinger parish church, Hall in Tirol hospital)
  • Wall paintings (in Innsbruck, St. Johann in Tirol, Kufstein, Fügen, Seefeld, Längenfeld)
  • Sgraffiti (in Innsbruck, Wörgl, Absam)

Book illustrations

  • Austria's costume book
  • The great book of Alpine sagas (awarded by the Ministry of Education)
  • The most beautiful alpine legends
  • Customs and festivals in Austria
  • The big book of animal stories
  • The most beautiful sagas of Austria
  • Legends from the Dolomites
  • Münchhausen's adventure
  • Mr. Dietrich rides
  • Children all over the world
  • The two falcons and other fairy tales
  • A Christmas dream
  • The fairy tale of the little sandmen
  • Patsch d'Handerln together!
  • Ringel series
  • Kitten in the zoo
  • Customs and festivals in Austria


  • Posters (Tyrol advertising, Olympic Games Innsbruck, balls, theater)
  • Christmas, Easter and greeting cards
  • Design drafts for textiles
  • Illustrations for youth magazines ('Berglandkinder') and reading books ('Junge Saat')

Web links