Währing parish church

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Southwest view of the parish church
North-east view of the parish church with the extension in the foreground
Interior view of the "old church"

The Währinger Parish is a Roman Catholic church building in the district part Waehring the same 18th  district of Vienna Währing . It is dedicated to St. Gertrude von Nivelles .

Location and architecture

The Währinger parish church is located on Gertrudplatz, a square-like extension of Währinger Straße . The Kutschkermarkt is on its east side. The church building consists of a late baroque hall church and an extension to the north from the interwar period . The baroque component forms the transept . As the street level rises towards the south, the building has a lower church that compensates for the differences in level.

The baroque painting Glory of Saint Laurentius by Peter Strudel is attached to the south wall of the baroque building. It was originally painted around 1695 for the Augustinian women's choir on the meat market in Vienna and has been owned by the parish of Währing since 1872. A crucifixion group by Johann Martin Fischer , which was created around 1799, is placed on the baroque sacrament altar. Above the tabernacle is a copy of the late Romanesque sculpture Magna Mater Austriae donated in 1759 in the basilica of Mariazell .

Heinrich Tahedl created the stained glass on the subject of salvation on the four tall glass windows on the north side in the 1930s . The glass paintings of the so-called "Gertrude window" on the east side are a work by Leopold Forstner from 1934. In 1937/1938 Wilhelm Bormann created carved figures for the Way of the Cross , which were added by other artists after his death. A stucco relief by Karl Nieschlag from 1962 is attached to the triumphal arch wall, depicting the adoration of the Lamb of God by the 24 elders ( Rev 5,8f  EU ). Some of the nativity figures from 1964/1965 were created by Franz Barwig the Younger .

On the north gallery is the mechanical slider organ by Rieger Orgelbau from 1988. The church bell was cast in 1768 by Andreas Klein.


In 1213 a chapel was first mentioned in a document, which was owned by the Benedictine Abbey Michaelbeuern near a farm . This chapel was raised to a parish in 1226 . The patronage of St. Gertrude was first mentioned in a document in 1232 . In the second half of the 14th century the parish church was enlarged. From 1396 to 1934, the parish of Währing had a second patronage: St. Laurentius of Rome . In 1723 the parish in the Lichtental parish church became independent from the parish Währing.

The Währing parish church was rebuilt in 1753. The foundation stone was laid on September 11, 1753 by the cloth merchant Michael von Zollern, after whom the Zollergasse is named. The cemetery for the dead from Währing, Gersthof , Pötzleinsdorf and Weinhaus was located around the church in front of the Währing local cemetery . The old cemetery cross on the southern outer wall of the church, which was donated in 1745 and renewed in 1768, reminds of the former cemetery.

In a hiking guide from the Biedermeier period , the work Vienna's Environs for Twenty Hours in Circles by Adolf Schmidl (1835), it is described that in memory of an ammunition explosion from the Viennese powder tower on the Althangrund in 1779 in the front wall of the church - behind the stone images standing on the forecourt (Christ on the cross, Mary and Joseph) - two spheres are walled in. The effects of the explosion reached as far as Brigittenau , Augarten , Schottenviertel and Währing.

In 1833 the church was renovated. The north tower of the original church building from 1528 was dismantled in 1853. The Währing master builder Johann Höhne created the western tower tower in 1853. In 1885 a new porch was created on the west side. The Währinger rectory has been located in a building on Maynollogasse that was built in 1884 according to plans by the architect Adolf Endl since 1913 .

In 1934 the parish church in Währingen was rebuilt and expanded according to plans by the architect Karl Holey . The original east-west orientation of the building was changed to a north-south orientation. The north wall of the late baroque hall church was broken through to the extension building. At the laying of the foundation stone on April 17, 1934, shortly after the February fighting , the idea was to name the church “Memorial Church of Liberated Vienna”, which meant being saved from the dangers of the fighting. Among the previous patron Gertrude and Laurenz should Engelbert occur. After Engelbert Dollfuss ' murder , relics of Saint Engelbert were transferred from Cologne and given to the church.

The architect Hans Petermair directed a restoration and redesign of the interior in 1961/1962. Another renovation, which also partially redesigned the interior of the church, took place in 2001.


  • Ilse M. Farkas: History of the parish Währing to Joseph II. (1783) . Dissertation, University of Vienna 1969.
  • Hubert Schachinger (Ed.): Chronicle of the parish St. Gertrud - Währing. Excerpts from the reports of the pastors of St. Gertrud Wien-Währing, 1884–1984 . Parish Währing, Vienna 1984.
  • Christine Klusacek / Kurt Stimmer: Währing. From Ganserlberg to Schafberg , Mohl Verlag, Vienna 1992, p. 160.

Web links

Commons : Währinger Pfarrkirche  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dehio-Handbuch Wien. X. to XIX. and XXI. to XXIII. District . Edited by Federal Monuments Office. Anton Schroll, Vienna 1996, ISBN 3-7031-0693-X , pp. 467-469
  2. Gerhard Robert Walter von Coeckelberghe-Dützele , Anton Köhler (ed.): Curiosities and Memorabilia Lexicon of Vienna: an instructive and entertaining reference and reading book in anecdotal, artistic, biographical, historical, legendary, picturesque, romantic u. topographical relationship. 2. Volume , Realis, Vienna 1846, p. 40 "Himmelpfortgrund" ( online version at Google Books)
  3. Gerhard Robert Walter von Coeckelberghe-Dützele , Anton Köhler (ed.): Curiosities and Memorabilia Lexicon of Vienna: an instructive and entertaining reference and reading book in anecdotal, artistic, biographical, historical, legendary, picturesque, romantic u. topographical relationship. 2nd volume , Realis, Vienna 1846, p. 399 “Währing”; ( Online version on Google Books)
  4. ^ Adolf Schmidl: Vienna's surroundings for twenty hours in a circle. Described by Adolf Schmidl after his own hikes. Printed and published by Carl Gerold, Vienna 1835, pp. 16, 73–74.
  5. ^ Dehio-Handbuch Wien. X. to XIX. and XXI. to XXIII. District . Edited by Federal Monuments Office. Anton Schroll, Vienna 1996, ISBN 3-7031-0693-X , p. 501
  6. The Memorial Church of Liberated Vienna. In:  Reichspost , April 18, 1934, p. 6 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / rpt.
  7. The St. Engelbert relics in the Währing parish church. In:  Reichspost , March 18, 1935, p. 4 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / rpt.

Coordinates: 48 ° 13 '33 "  N , 16 ° 20' 40.4"  E