Maria Ursula Columba de Groote

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Memorial plaque of Maria Ursula Columba de Groote

Maria Ursula Columba de Groote (born December 31, 1734 in Cologne ; † July 11, 1768 ibid) was the wife of Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel de Groote, Mayor of the Free Imperial City of Cologne .


The history of the city of Cologne has been largely determined since the Middle Ages by the mayors who emerged from the leading social classes of the city. The work of these officials with their positive but also often negative effects for the well-being of the city has been handed down in many details for centuries and is partially documented. On the other hand, the closest family members of these history-shaping people remained predominantly in the background.

Origin, childhood and marriage

Maria Ursula Columba was born "zum Pütz", a long-established, wealthy family who had been one of the mayors of Cologne for generations. Her parents were Johann Caspar Josef zum Pütz zu Hemmerich (* April 14, 1708, † November 23, 1770) and Anna Maria Theresia, née Daemen († January 28, 1735), who married in January 1734. Her daughter Maria Ursula Columba was born on New Year's Eve in 1734. The child's mother died a few weeks later in January 1735.

A house and a vineyard in the Severinsviertel are known to the place , the circumstances of her growing up and those of the subsequent school education are not known. However, one can assume that due to the social status of the family the child was offered everything available. The adolescent Maria Ursula Columba married on September 8, 1749 at the age of fifteen, the businessman and politician Franz Jakob Gabriel de Groote from Cologne, born on June 12, 1721.

Franz Jakob family Gabriel de Groote

Alliance coat of arms of the Cologne mayor
families "von Groote" and "zum Pütz" on a crossroads in Kendenich

The de Groote couple had three children.

  • On December 1, 1756 Everhard Anton Hermann Joseph Melchior de Groote zu Kendenich and Dransdorf
  • On September 25, 1759 Anna Maria Henrietta Josepha Walburgis de Groote
  • On January 11, 1762 Heinrich Joseph Balthasar von Groote

De Groote and his wife's father shared the office of ruling mayor elected by the city council in 1756/57. The woman at his side was now Maria Ursula Columba de Groote, at around 22/23 years old, one of the youngest mayor's wives of Cologne. Since the office of mayor could only be resumed two years later after the one-year term of office, this should be repeated five times for her by the re-election of her husband.

Social life

Francesco Casanova : Portrait of Giacomo Casanova , (around 1750–1755)

In addition to receptions and banquets , which were mostly held for political or business reasons, urban life did not offer the ladies of noble society much variety. From the middle of the 17th century a few permanent buildings were available for theater performances, such as the “Ballhaus on Apostelstraße”, “Haus Quatermarkt” or the “Gebuirhaus” on Alter Markt . At that time, all presentations were under the supervision of the Cologne Council.

According to his memoir “ Histoire de ma vie , the Venetian Giacomo Casanova, who stayed in Cologne for a few months in 1760, wanted to have started a relationship with the wife of a Cologne mayor at one of these events . Casanova's stay fell during the term of office of Messrs. Zum Pütz and de Groote.

An early death

Presumably Maria Ursula Columba de Groote died due to a serious illness in the hospital "Zur weiten Tür" on Severinstrasse . A baroque epitaph or death shield created in memory of her , which was acquired by the Cologne City Museum in 1906, lists some of her life dates:

In the year 1768 on Monday the II of July in the morning at 4 o'clock the high-bored Fr: Maria Ursula Columba De Groote, bored to the Pütz wife of the Kendenich family, also at the knights' seats of the Thurm and Wolffskeehl, of: / Ihr /. Governing Mayor Maria Frantz Jacob Gabriel De Groote spouse of her best. prosperous age in the 34th of your blessed marriage in the 19th year. RIPA

The ancestors of the deceased, the "Zum Pütz", had a special relationship with the parish church of St Kolumba. Some of the family members were named after their patroness "Columba", received the sacrament of baptism there and were buried in the church. The de Groote family had their own house of worship built in 1765, the church of St. Gregorius im Elend , in which Maria Ursula Columba von Groote was also buried.

The transfer of the body of the deceased Mrs. de Groote from the Kreuz-Bruder Church to the Church of Misery took place on February 13, 1769. The original files state:

Convolutum concerns the transportation of the corpse of the happily deceased Fraw citizen Mstrin Maria, Ursula, Columba De Groote bored to the Pütz, from the Creutz-Brothers Kirch, after the Elendt, as happened the first Monday in the fasting, 1769, the 13 February Abents between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. Elendiger cemetery n ° 19 .

Estate of the deceased

The deceased gave the heirs the following goods: Knight's seat "Voigt Bell", knight's seat in Widdersdorf, Ratzer Hof, Kleehof zu Bornheim, fiefdoms to Essen, Alten - Grimberg and "Klein Alberhausen", Weingut zu Heister, in Cologne: Vineyard in the Nahe street , Staber Hof in Severinstrasse, house in Witschgasse, lands in Boisweiler;

As heirs she named: Canonicus Philipp Wilhelm, Everhard and Frantz Jacob von Hilgers, Maria Gabriel von Herrestorff and Anna Francisca von Herwegh.

Franz Jakob Gabriel de Groote was elevated to the status of imperial knighthood on February 13, 1780 as "Edler von Groote zu Kendenich" by Emperor Franz Josef II.


  • Wolfgang Herborn: On the reconstruction and edition of the Cologne mayor list up to the end of the Ancien Regime , in: Rheinische Vierteljahresblätter 36 (1972)
  • Carl Dietmar: Die Chronik Kölns , Chronik Verlag, Dortmund 1991, ISBN 3-611-00193-7

Individual evidence

  1. ^ According to information from the Cologne City Museum
  2. ^ Oidtmann Collection, Volume 12 Folder No. 956 Zum Pütz, edited and edited by H. Schleicher
  3. ^ Oidtmann Collection, Volume 12 Folder No. 956 Zum Pütz, edited and edited by H. Schleicher
  4. Wolfgang Herborn: On the reconstruction and edition of the Cologne mayor list until the end of the Ancien Regime
  5. ^ The Chronicle of Cologne, page 159
  6. ^ The Chronicle of Cologne, page 210
  7. ^ According to information from the Cologne City Museum
  8. Archive of the city of Hürth, inventory: 1769
  9. Archive of the city of Hürth, inventory: 1769