Marian Muller

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Marian Müller , born as Josef Leodegarius Müller (born October 2, 1724 in Aesch , canton Lucerne , † November 17, 1780 in Einsiedeln , canton Schwyz ) was a Swiss Benedictine and abbot of the Einsiedeln monastery . According to the latest research, he was very open to the ideas of the Catholic Enlightenment .


His father, Michael Müller, was the subordinate of Dagmersellen . At the age of twelve, Marian Müller came to the Einsiedeln monastery school, which he entered as a novice on January 20, 1742 at the age of 17. Profession followed a year later, followed by ordination as a priest in 1748 . Between 1749 and 1763 he taught at the Einsiedeln college in Bellinzona . Several hermit monks worked at this educational institution, who were open to educational concerns. In 1763 he was called back to Einsiedeln to take over the post of subprior. At the same time he rearranged the monastery archive from 1771.

On August 11, 1773 he was elected Abbot of Einsiedeln by his confreres. After the completion of the new baroque monastery building under his predecessor, he could now turn to the inner renovation of the convent. He resolutely promoted educational efforts of various confreres who, for example, were active in the education system. He himself tried to raise the general welfare of the hermit village population, for example by setting up new branches of business and was in contact with various Protestant theologians. Even Johann Kaspar Lavater was one of his friends. Various contemporaries described him as enlightening, not least because of his deep love for studies.

His successor, Prince Abbot Beat Küttel, embarked on an anti-enlightenment path after Müller's death. In the course of ultramontane anti-modernism , the monks of the 19th century also did everything they could to forget the enlightenment efforts of their confreres.


  • Thomas Fässler: New beginnings and resistance. Einsiedeln Monastery in the area of ​​tension between the Baroque, Enlightenment and Revolution. Egg 2019, ISBN 978-3-906812-04-5 .
  • Rudolf Henggeler : Profession book of the princely Benedictine work U. L. Frau von Einsiedeln. Einsiedeln 1933 (= Monasticon-Benedictinum Helvetiae. 3).
predecessor Office successor
Nicholas II. Imfeld (1734–1773) Abbot of Einsiedeln
Beat Küttel (1780–1808)