Mariana Sîrbu

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Mariana Sîrbu (* in Iași , Romania ) is a Romanian violinist .


Mariana Sîrbu received her first violin lessons from her parents. She then studied with Ștefan Gheorghiu at the Academia Națională de Muzică in Bucharest . Soon after starting her concert career, she was awarded several international prizes. She has appeared as a soloist in the Berlin Philharmonic , the Teatro Colón ( Buenos Aires ), the Sydney Opera House , the Wiener Musikverein , the Concertgebouw ( Amsterdam ), Carnegie Hall and the Lincoln Center ( New York ), the Teatro alla Scala ( Milan ) and the Suntory Hall ( Tokyo ) and has made guest appearances at numerous international music festivals.

In 1968 she founded the Quartetto Academica , in 1985 she became a member of the Trio di Milano (with the pianist Bruno Canino and the cellist Rocco Filippini ), and in 1994 she was one of the founders of the Quartetto Stradivari . From 1992 to 2003 she was concertmaster of the I Musici chamber orchestra .

Mariana Sîrbu plays a Stradivari violin ("Conte di Fontana", 1702), which formerly belonged to David Oistrach .


Shortly after graduating from university, Mariana Sîrbu worked for some time as the assistant to her teacher Stefan Gheorghiu in Bucharest; later she taught at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole in Florence and gave master classes in Spain , Italy , France , the Netherlands , Germany , Switzerland , Ireland , Canada , China and Japan . Since 2002 she has been professor for violin at the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy University of Music and Theater in Leipzig .

Mariana Sîrbu was or is a member of various international competition juries such as B. the Concorso Internazionale Triennale di Liuteria ( Cremona ), the Concorso Vittorio Gui ( Florence ), the Chamber Music Competition Concorso Lorenzi ( Trieste ), the string quartet competitions in Évian-les-Bains and Bordeaux and the violin competition George Enescu (Bucharest).


Both as a soloist and as a chamber musician, Mariana Sîrbu has recorded records and CDs, including the violin sonatas and the Triple Concerto by Beethoven , the violin sonatas by Enescu , the 12 Concerti L'arte del Violino op.3 by Locatelli , the 12 Concerti op.8 and further violin concertos by Vivaldi and the piano trios by Mendelssohn .


  • George Enescu Prize (Romania)
  • Carl Flesch Prize (London)
  • Maria Canals Prize (Barcelona)
  • Vittorio Gui Prize (Florence)

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