Maria Pavlovna Barabanova

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Maria Pavlovna Barabanova

Marija Pavlovna Barabanowa ( Russian Мария Павловна Барабанова ; born October 21, jul. / 3. November  1911 greg. In St. Petersburg , Russian Empire ; † 16th March 1993 in Moscow ) was a Soviet and Russian theater - and film - Actress as well as voice actress .

Life and accomplishments

Barabanova was born in St. Petersburg, where her parents worked in what was then Putilov's factory .

Her acting career began in 1927 at the Proletkultur Theater in Leningrad, which was followed by an engagement at the local youth theater. In 1937 she completed her acting training and was employed by the Leningrad Comedy Theater until 1945. Barabanova played one of her most important roles there in 1938 as Irotschka in Wassili Wassiljewitsch Schkwarkins Простая девушка. As a result of the war against the Soviet Union , she moved to Stalinabad and was able to prevent her colleagues from being transferred from exile in Alma-Ata to the Tajik capital by intervening with the local party leadership. After the end of the war she went to Moscow and was hired by the Gorky Film Studio, but at the same time also appeared at the State Theater of Film Actors. Barabanova also studied at the party college of the CPSU and then worked in the Gorki studio as a party organizer.

Barabanowa's cinematic work began in 1936 and includes 56 works, e. Sometimes she also gave male roles. She made her film debut in the comedy Девушка спешит на свидание and was to remain closely associated with this genre throughout her career. Her film Всё для Вас (1964), made in cooperation with Wladimir Leonidowitsch Suchobokow, Barabanowa's only directorial work, in which she also played one of her few main roles, can also be assigned to the comic field. Other notable roles were the title characters in Принц и нищий (1942) after Mark Twain's The Prince and the Beggar Boy and Maria Ilyinichna in Isegrim (1978).

In addition, Barabanova appeared in several fairy tale films. B. the title character in Alexander Rous The Adventures of Puss in Boots , a role she herself had expressly wished to play. In How the stupid Ivanushka sought miracles (1977) she embodied the witch Baba-Yaga . Her last film, Мы едем в Америку, was released a year before her death.

Barabanova also appeared several times as a voice actress, including lending her voice to Gabrielle, portrayed by Gaby Morlay , in the Russian-language version of the French film Papa, Mama, Katrin und ich (1955) . Other engagements included Die eiserne Blume (1957) and Der Mörder ist im Haus (1971) from Hungary as well as the Filipino production Kill the Pushers (1972).

Barabanova died at the age of 81 and was buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery , Section 4.


Barabanova was appointed Honored Artist of the RSFSR on December 3, 1970 in Moscow and on March 18, 1991, People's Artist of the RSFSR .

It was also found in the non-fiction book Королевы смеха. Жизнь, которой не было? (2011) Mentioned by Sergei Kapkow, which reflects the careers of various actors in the comedy film. As part of the TV documentary series Человек в кадре, Barabanova received a contribution in the same year.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Commons : Maria Barabanova  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Biography of Marija Barabanowas on (Russian), accessed on January 10, 2020
  2. Portrait of Marija Barabanova on (Russian), accessed on January 10, 2020
  3. Portrait of Marija Barabanova on (Russian), accessed on January 10, 2020
  4. Film data for Девушка спешит на свидание on (Russian), accessed on January 10, 2020
  5. Biography Vladimir Suchobokows on (Russian), accessed on 10 January 2020
  6. Film data for Всё для Вас on (Russian), accessed on January 10, 2020
  7. Marija Barabanova's biography on (Russian), accessed on January 10, 2020
  8. Marija Barabanova's filmography on (Russian), accessed on January 10, 2020
  9. Book review on Королевы смеха. Жизнь, которой не было? on (Russian), accessed January 10, 2020