Martin Gaksch

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Martin Gaksch (* 1965 ) is a German journalist and publisher and is one of the pioneers of computer game journalism in Germany.

life and career

After graduating from high school in Augsburg , Martin Gaksch first studied mathematics for several semesters . In 1987 he started working for Markt + Technik Verlag in Haar near Munich . There he wrote first for Happy Computer , later also for Power Play , which initially appeared as a supplement for Happy Computer and later as a separate magazine. In favor of his journalistic activity, Gaksch also dropped out of his studies. Together with Boris Schneider , Heinrich Lenhardt and Anatol Locker, he was one of the first Power Play editors .

In the meantime, Gaksch also worked as a product manager at the then important company Rainbow Arts , where Boris Schneider also worked for a short time. For the game Rock 'n' Roll , published in 1989, he was also active as a game designer.

Gaksch was also involved in founding Video Games magazine in 1991, also at Markt + Technik Verlag. In early 1992 he became editor-in-chief of both Video Games and Power Play .

In the summer of 1993, Gaksch went into business for himself together with his editorial colleagues Winnie Forster and Andreas Knauf and founded the new game magazine MAN! AC (now M! Games ) and the associated Cybermedia publishing house in Mering near Augsburg, where he is still active today. The magazine Mobile Gamer and a few other publications appear in his publishing house at irregular intervals .

Individual evidence
