Martin Söhle

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Martin Söhle (born January 28, 1832 in Hamburg ; † April 8, 1904 there ) was a German notary and banker.


Martin Söhle came from a Hamburg merchant and banker family. His parents were Johann Christian Söhle and Auguste geb. Haller. His maternal grandfather was Martin Joseph Haller , the founder of the Haller, Söhle & Co. banking house . The Hamburg Senator and Mayor Nicolaus Ferdinand Haller was his uncle. The architect Martin Haller was his cousin.


Martin Söhle studied at the Universities of Heidelberg and Goettingen jurisprudence . In 1852 he became a member of the Corps Guestphalia Heidelberg . In the winter semester of 1853/1854 he joined the Corps Saxonia Göttingen . After graduating as Dr. jur. and obtaining the necessary legal qualifications, he was on February 2, 1857 in Hamburg as a lawyer admitted. In the same year he was temporarily appointed assistant notary before he was finally appointed notary on December 20, 1858. After the death of his father, he gave up his notarial work in 1874 and took over the management of the Haller, Söhle & Co. bank. He was also chairman of the supervisory board of Wechslerbank, which later became part of the Magdeburg private bank .

From 1877 to 1880 Martin Söhle was a member of the Hamburg Parliament . In 1859 he was one of the founders of the Academic Club in Hamburg . His painting collection, consisting of 229 works, was auctioned off after his death in 1907.


  • 119. † Soehle, Martin . In: Hasso von Etzdorf , Wolfgang von der Groeben , Erik von Knorre: Directory of the members of the Corps Saxonia zu Göttingen and the Landsmannschaft Saxonia (1840–1844) as of February 13, 1972 , p. 17.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 112 , 642
  2. Kösener corps lists 1910, 85 , 120
  3. Gerrit Schmidt: The history of the Hamburg legal profession from 1815 to 1879, Hamburg 1989, ISBN 3923725175 , p. 325
  4. ^ Frank M. Hinz: Planning and Financing of the Speicherstadt in Hamburg , 1998, p. 195 ( digitized version )
  5. ^ EA Fleischmann: Catalog of the painting collection of Dr. Martin Soehle, Hamburg . Auction, 1907 (digitized version)