Martin Stiassny

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Martin Stiassny (born July 9, 1943 in Berlin ) is President of the European Go Federation (EGF), the European organization for the Go board game .


Martin Stiassny was born in Berlin and grew up in Vienna from 1946. In 1954 he came from Vienna to Germany, where he passed the Abitur at the Soester Aldegrever-Gymnasium in 1962. In May 1962 he began studying mathematics at the Free University in Berlin . Prof. Karl Peter Grotemeyer , who later became the founding rector of Bielefeld University , with whom he moved to Bielefeld, was influential . Martin Stiassny became the first graduate student (mathematics) at Bielefeld University. He worked for IBM in Düsseldorf and Hamburg for 30 years , 15 of which as a manager.

Go organizer

Martin Stiassny has been working as a go organizer since 1979, in particular he took part in the following European Go congresses ( European Go championships ): Königswinter 1979, Hamburg 1988, Strausberg 2000 and Leksand 2008. He regularly organizes go tournaments in Leksand in late summer Lake Siljan in central Sweden , often with an accompanying Go Summer School . In 2007 the professional player Yoon Young-sun was the main teacher there, who lives and teaches in Hamburg on his initiative. Martin Stiassny is one of the initiators of the German Go-Bundesliga .

President of the European Go Federation

Martin Stiassny was President of the German Go Federation for many years (1982–1989 and 1999–2004), has been Director of the International Go Federation (IGF) since 2004 and President of the European Go Federation since 2009. He has achieved the goal of establishing European professional players through competitions , which previously existed almost exclusively in Asia.

The Pandanet Go European Team Championship , initiated and managed by Martin Stiassny, has existed since 2010 and served as a model for the American City League and the Ibero-American Team Championship. In 2012 he managed the go part of the 2nd World Mind Sports Games in Lille .

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. EGF Executive Team