Martina Pointner

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Martina Pointner (2012)

Martina Verena Pointner (* 16th July 1973 in Feldkirch as Martina Verena Hofner ) is a former Austrian politician ( NEOS ) and communications consultant. Pointner was a member of the Vorarlberg state parliament from 2014 to 2017 .

job and education

Martina Pointner was born on July 16, 1973 as the daughter of the marketing consultant Kurt Hofner and his wife Elsbeth in Feldkirch and grew up in the Liechtenstein capital Vaduz . From 1980 to 1985 she attended elementary school in Vaduz, from 1985 to 1993 the Liechtenstein Gymnasium , where she passed her Matura in 1993 . From 1993 to 1998 Pointner then studied German and a number of subjects at the University of Innsbruck . In 1998 at the University of Innsbruck, finally, the graduation ceremony for Magistra philosophiae (Mag.phil.).

After completing her studies, Martina Pointner initially worked for several advertising agencies in Vorarlberg, before she and her colleague Angelika Böhler became self-employed in 2002 and opened a joint management consulting company. In 2008, Pointner and Böhler parted ways for a short time when Martina Pointner took over corporate communications full-time for the Vorarlberger Krankenhaus-Betriebsgesellschaft , the state-owned holding company of the state hospitals in Vorarlberg. During this time, Pointner also completed further training in the field of hospital management in St. Pölten .

In 2012 she again founded the böhler + pointner communications consultancy together with Angelika Böhler . In November 2013, however, the paths parted again and Martina Pointner independently opened her own communications consulting company, which she subsequently ran. After leaving the state parliament at the end of August 2017, Pointner took over the communication agendas of the Liechtenstein private clinic Medicnova on a freelance basis .

Political career

In the run-up to the state elections in Vorarlberg in 2014 , she ran internally with NEOS for a place on the list and was chosen together with NEOS state spokeswoman Sabine Scheffknecht as the top candidate for the state elections. In the election itself, Pointner obtained a mandate from the NEOS state list and was thus sworn in for the first time as a member of the Vorarlberg state parliament on October 15, 2014.

In the state parliament of the 30th legislative period , Pointner was one of two members of the NEOS and thus without membership of a club, since the formation of a state parliament club would have required three members. For the NEOS parliamentary group, she was the area spokesperson for sport, culture, senior citizens, agriculture, health, integration, school and education, women, animal welfare, family, social affairs, the disabled, care, housing, hunting and forestry, youth, the environment and water.

At the beginning of June 2017, Pointner announced that she would resign from the state parliament mandate at the end of August and return to the private sector. The waiver came into effect when the waiver was handed over to the state electoral authority on September 7, 2017. Her successor in the state parliament was Daniel Matt , who was third on the NEOS state list in the state elections in 2014.

Private life

Martina Pointner has been married since 1998, has a son and lives with her family in Schwarzach .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b NEOS MP Pointner stops. In: . June 2, 2017. Retrieved June 9, 2017 .
  2. Matt follows Pointner to the state parliament. In: Vorarlberger Nachrichten . June 8, 2017. Retrieved June 9, 2017 .