Mary stone

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Mary Margaret Stein (* before 1990 in Marquette , Michigan ) is an American actress .


Stein grew up in Milwaukee , Wisconsin . She graduated from Franklin High School in Franklin , Wisconsin and graduated from Marquette University with a Bachelor of Arts in 1980 . She then moved to New York City where she studied at the Juilliard School and later to Southern California to work in the advertising and film industries.

Stein began her acting career on stage. She had her breakthrough in the film business in 1995 as Angela Lucassey in the comedy Man of the Year . She played other film roles in Piggy Babe in the Big City (1998), in which she played the hotel owner, The Grinch (2000), Monkeybone (2001), The Tillamook Treasure (2006), The Stranger Son (2008) and Little Boy ( 2015). Her better-known television series appearances include Gerda in Providence (2002) and Ms. Sneed in General Hospital (2006).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Second Billing To A Pig Is Actress' Break . Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , December 2, 1998. Retrieved March 10, 2016.