Matthew Chapman

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Matthew Chapman signs his book Trials of the Monkey: An Accidental Memoir

Matthew Chapman (born September 2, 1950 in Cambridge ) is an English journalist , non-fiction and screenwriter and director . He is a great-great-grandson of the naturalist Charles Darwin and a grandson of the scientist Sydney Chapman . Chapman often deals with the theory of evolution and atheism in his publications . Chapman currently lives in New York .

Chapman was interviewed for the documentary Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial (2007).

Filmography (selection)


  • Trials of the Monkey: An Accidental Memoir (Picador, 2002) ISBN 0-312-30078-6
  • 40 Days and 40 Nights: Darwin, Intelligent Design, God, OxyContin, and Other Oddities on Trial in Pennsylvania . (Harper Collins, 2007) ISBN 0-06-117945-0

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Article: Darwin Descendant Reflects on Attacks on Evolution. National Public Radio , accessed December 5, 2016 .