Matthias Apiarius

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Printer's mark by Matthias Apiarius, 1550 (University Library Bern)

Matthias Apiarius , also Matthias Biener (* 1495/1500 in Berching , Upper Palatinate , † September 1554 in Bern ) was a Swiss printer , publisher and composer of German origin. He introduced printing in Bern and became one of the most important music printers in Switzerland.


Print by Matthias Apiarius (1539):
The drunken Noah
Print by Matthias Apiarius (1540):
Catalogus annorum et principum geminus

Apiarius was initially a bookbinder in Nuremberg and from 1525 in Basel . Between 1532/1533 and 1537 he printed in Strasbourg , in later years with Peter Schöffer the Elder. J. , with whom he made some music prints. In 1537 he was appointed to Bern by the city ​​council , where he became the first printer to introduce printing on January 19 and also worked as a bookbinder . Here, too, in today's “Apiarius-Haus” at Brunngasse 70 , he produced numerous printed music (folk songs with sheet music) and other leaflets, but also produced theological writings for Protestant Upper Germany . In 1569 he printed the " Bear Bible " for Thomas Guarin in Basel , the entire Bible in Spanish, which appeared without an imprint, but bears his printer's mark on the title and was named after its motif. From Bern he also distributed a number of measurement relations . Matthias Apiarius received the citizenship of Bern in 1539. He has constantly suffered from financial problems.

The woodcutter Jacob Kallenberg made the woodcuts for some of his books.

After his death, his son Samuel Apiarius took over the printing company in which he had worked for his father since 1547. The other son, Siegfried Apiarius , became a town piper , xylograph and bookbinder.

Apiarius' signet were bear and beehive: The bear climbs up the tree to look for honey in the crack, bees swarming around on the left and right; Plants grow at the base of the tree.


Web links

Commons : Matthias Apiarius  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. E.g. Johann Frosch: Rerum musicarum opusculum rarum ac insigne . Peter Schoeffer and Matthias Apiarius, Strasbourg 1535 ( digitized ).
  2. digitized version .
  3. Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Heimatkunde , volumes 68–69, page 66, Historischer Verein des Kantons Bern (ed.), State Archives of the Canton of Bern, 2006 ( excerpt )
  4. digitized version .