Max René Hesse

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Max René Hesse (born July 17, 1877 in Wittlich ; † December 15, 1952 in Buenos Aires ) was a German doctor and writer . He is the author of over ten extensive psychologically motivated development and social novels.


Hesse studied medicine, law and humanities at the Universities of Cologne and Berlin . From 1910 to 1927 he was a doctor in Argentina and in 1928 a big game hunter in South America and Africa. From 1929 to 1933 he lived in Berlin again. Between 1933 and 1942 he stayed in Vienna, the Balkans and Italy.

In 1933/34 the National Socialists first tried to co-opt Max René Hesse for their ideology, later they banned his books. Nevertheless, Hesse returned to Germany in 1942. In 1943 he went to Madrid as a correspondent for the Kölnische Zeitung . In 1943/1944 he disappeared in Málaga and was pronounced dead in 1944. In reality he was in Argentina, where he died in 1952 in Buenos Aires, secluded.


Victor Klemperer dedicates a separate chapter to the novel Partenau in LTI - Notebook of a Philologist and describes the work as "anticipating the language, the attitudes of the Third Reich".

Works (selection)

  • 1929: Roman: Partenau. Rütten & Loening, Frankfurt am Main (French 1930)
  • 1932: Roman: Morath struggles. Cassirer, Berlin (French 1934)
  • 1933: Roman: Morath makes a dream come true. Cassirer, Berlin (continuation of the previous title; French 1935)
  • 1935: Novel: The Inadequate Idealist. Cassirer, Berlin
  • 1937: Novel: Dietrich and the Lord of the World. Krüger, Berlin (Dutch 1943; French 1958)
  • 1943: novel: youth without a star. Krüger, Berlin (Dutch 1944)
  • 1950: Roman: Overripe Time. Krüger, Berlin (with the two previous titles as a trilogy: Dietrich Kattenburg )
  • 1950: novel: love and lie. Artemis, Zurich
  • 1984: Novel: The Inheritance. A post-war novel in seven books. Gantner & Cramer, Vaduz (from the estate)
  • three unpublished novels in the estate


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