Maximilian Ehrenreich

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Maximilian Ehrenreich 2015

Maximilian Ehrenreich (* 2003 ) is a young German actor .


Ehrenreich made his film debut in 2013 in the satire Der Minister as the son of Kai Schumann in the role of the young Franz Josef . He had previously worked in several commercials and in a photo shoot for an Austrian energy supply company. He took on the second leading role alongside his film partner Lea Müller for the television adaptation, Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern , which was broadcast in the 2013 Christmas program . In the adaptation of the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen as part of the film series Six in One Stroke with Nina Kunzendorf , Oliver Korittke and Jörg Hartmann , he played the orphan Emil . He also starred in the Inga Lindström film adaptation of Sommerlund Forever . At the end of 2014 it was directed by Sven Unterwaldt for the German-Austrian coproduction Help, I Shrunk My Teacher in front of the camera based on the children's book bestseller of the same name by Sabine Ludwig .

In addition, Ehrenreich has two years of acting experience at the Berlin Children's Theater and sings in the Berlin Boys Choir . He lives with his family in Berlin .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Commons : Maximilian Ehrenreich  - Collection of images, videos and audio files