Maximilian von Proskowetz

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Obituary, Neue Freie Presse

Max von Proskowetz , more precisely Maximilian Proskowetz von Proskow and Marstorff (born November 4, 1851 in Kwasitz , Moravia , † September 19, 1898 in Fort Wayne , Indiana ) was an Austrian agronomist, diplomat and travel writer.

life and work

The second son of the industrialist and mansion deputy Emanuel von Proskowetz (1818–1909) was taught by private tutors for years after an accident and learned numerous languages. He soon proved to be a talented draftsman and painter. After graduating from the Schottengymnasium in Vienna in 1869 , Proskowetz studied law at the University of Vienna (doctorate in 1874).

After a short stint with a lawyer, Proskowetz became more interested in agriculture, in 1875 he worked as a volunteer on an estate in Austrian Silesia and subsequently studied soil culture in Vienna and Halle . Proskowetz was particularly interested in the use of artificial fertilizers and in 1878 he undertook an extensive study trip through Europe with his older brother Emanuel (1849–1944). The two reported on what they saw in “Agricultural Travel Letters”. In 1880 he traveled through Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Asia Minor, European Turkey and Greece and in 1881 published the brochures “Streifzüge einer Farmer” and “Agricultural Travel Letters from the Orient”.

After a few years of working on his own property, where Proskowetz also devoted himself to the fight against the widespread alcoholism of the rural population, he set out on a long trip to Russia in 1888, which took him to the Caucasus and, on the newly opened Trans-Caspian railway to Bukhara and Samarkand brought. In 1889, after his return home, in the same year he published his vividly written travel diaries under the title “From the Newastrand to Samarkand. Through Russia on new tracks to Inner Asia ”. He then devoted himself to the preparation and implementation of the international agricultural and forestry congress in Vienna (1890).

In order to get to know the large overseas agricultural operations, especially those in North America, Proskowetz set out on a world tour with his younger brother Felix in 1894. In his last years he worked in the Austrian consular service - first in Smyrna and New York, then from 1897 as consul in Chicago. On the way to New York City , Proskowetz died after falling from the platform of a railroad car.

He was a knight of the Franz Joseph Order .


  • H (ermann) Kuffner, Max von Proskowetz (introduction): The agricultural enterprise of the sugar factory Lundenburg . Fromme, Vienna 1890, OBV .
  • Gustav Skutezky, Max von Proskowetz (introduction): The agricultural operation of the Drnowitz sugar factory in Wischau . Fromme, Vienna 1890, OBV .
  • Julie Proskowetz von Proskow and Marstorff, Max von Proskowetz (ed.): Diary sheets ! . Sn, s. l. 1891, OBV .


Web links

Wikisource: Max von Proskowetz  - Sources and full texts
Commons : Max von Proskowetz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Gallina:  Max von Proskowetz. In:  Mittheilungen der kais (erlich) Königigl (ichen) Geographical Society in Vienna , year 1900, XLIII. Volume, p. 215 f. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / geo.