Edmund Meade-Waldo

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Edmund Gustavus Bloomfield Meade-Waldo (born February 8, 1855 in Hollybrook, County Cork , Ireland , † February 24, 1934 ) was an English ornithologist and conservationist .

Live and act

Meade-Waldo was the only son of Edmund Waldo Maede-Waldo. He lived in Stonewall Park and Hever Castle in Kent and was a Fellow of the Zoological Society of London . In 1883 he became a member of the British Ornithologists' Union and from 1923 its Vice-President.

Meade-Waldo studied at Eton College and Magdalene College at Cambridge University . In his room in Eton he kept a menagerie of wild animals. In 1880 he married Ada Coralie, a daughter of Lord Justice Bagallay. The couple lived for a while near Rope Hill in the New Forest. Meade-Waldo had a lifelong friendship with the politician and naturalist William Herbert St Quintin (1851-1933), who had several aviaries built in his home town of Scampton and kept rare species of birds there. Meade-Waldo and St. Quintin were passionate falconers, and Meade-Waldo recorded many well-known falcons and their hunting skills in his diaries. He collected birds in the Atlas in Morocco and Spain . He also accompanied James Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford on board the yacht Valhalla on a trip to Madagascar and the Comoros. In the Canary Islands he was the first to collect the Canary Oystercatcher ( Haematopus meadewaldoi ). When David Armitage Bannerman described this bird scientifically in 1913, he named it in honor of Meade-Waldo. At the beginning of the 20th century, Meade-Waldo played an important role in the conservation of the red kite in Wales .

Meade-Waldo has written several articles for The Ibis , Avicultaral Magazine, and the Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club .

Literature on Edmund Meade-Waldo

  • Mullens, William Herbert & Swann, Harry Kirke (1917 / Reprint 1986) A Bibliography of British Ornithology ISBN 0-854-86098-3
  • Obituary Mr. EGB Meade-Waldo. Nature 133, pp. 601-602 (April 21, 1934) doi : 10.1038 / 133601b0