Megingaud from Trier

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Megingaud , also Megingod or Megingoz , († December 24, 1015 in Koblenz ) was Archbishop of Trier from 1008 to 1015 .


His parents are unknown, his country of origin probably Mainfranken. Before he became the new Archbishop of Trier in 1008 through the initiative of King Heinrich II against the cathedral chapter and the people of Trier , he was a member of the court orchestra of Otto III. (primiscrinius = First registrar) and provost of Mainz have been. In 1012 he took part in the consecration of Bamberg Cathedral . Since the royal seat of the archbishops Trier was held by the counter-archbishop Adalbero of Luxembourg , and Megingods could not be installed even by force of arms on the part of the emperor , he chose Koblenz as his royal seat . It was not until the spring of 1015, the year he died, that the Luxembourg counter-archbishop submitted , but kept the Trier castle.


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predecessor Office successor
Ludolf Archbishop of Trier
Poppo from Babenberg