Opinion corridor

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Opinion corridor is a metaphor for the area of ​​acceptable opinions in discussions . It is a sociopolitical term coined in 2013 by Henrik Oscarsson , Professor of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg . The term is controversial. Related terms are the Overton Window for Political Discussion and some of the Hallin Spheres for Political Discussion in the Press . The term is mainly used in Sweden ( Swedish åsiktskorridor ) and Norway ( Norwegian meningskorridor ). The term was added to the list of Swedish neologisms by the Swedish Language Council .


In 2013, Oscarsson described his impression that the boundaries of freedom of expression in Sweden were tightening. Examples of common opinions that would rarely be voiced in public include:

Oscarsson concluded that lawmakers should be more moderate and respectful in dealing with dissenting opinions.

In February 2015, Expressen publisher Ann-Charlotte Marteus released an apology for being part of "building a corridor that prevented constructive debate on migration and integration". She wrote that it was something she started around 2002 when language tests began to be debated and the Sweden Democrats began to become more influential. She also feared that Sweden's political climate would become more similar to that of Denmark.

”Sverige blev inte som Denmark, tack och lov. Kanske hjälpte åsiktskorridoren. Men priset blev: självcensur på bred front, rädsla för att undersöka verkligheten förbehållslöst, minskad tilltro till argumentens makt. Also the results of the funding program, moral febriga politicians and the collective problem that have been published and the data for the length of the sedan. Det blev en dyr corridor. "

“Sweden has not become like Denmark, thank God. Perhaps the opinion corridor helped. But the price was high: self-censorship across the board, fear of exploring reality unreservedly, diminished confidence in the power of arguments. And as a result a dumb public, morally malevolent politicians and social problems that should have long been noticed and addressed. It became an expensive corridor. "

- Ann-Charlotte Marteus

Other observations

Erik Helmersson of Dagens Nyheter wrote that Sweden has many corridors of opinion where people rarely question norms within the group. He accuses the Swedish "culture of consensus" and that the social effort is too high to present a contrary opinion. He also praises director Stina Oscarson for her new phrase "test speech" and says it is important to allow people to try new ways of thinking without being choked by guilt and insults.

Alice Teodorescu has declared that she wants to "tear down the corridor of opinion" and made comparisons with totalitarian systems. She said that we live in a time when it is considered courageous to think freely, although it is not forbidden.

Statistical research

In the first quarter of 2015, the Swedish polling institute Demoskop conducted a survey entitled "Who dares to speak up?" by. They observed the following trends:

  • Increased reluctance to debate with people outside of normal social circles
  • People with left ideologies speak more openly, while those who identify as nationally oriented or conservative feel that they have more restrictions
  • Majorities run the risk of being portrayed as minorities
  • Immigration (immigration) is the subject that most people feel confined on


The Swedish Liberals' politician Per Altenberg , who did not delve into Oscarsson's research, denied the existence of the opinion corridor and claimed that the corridor should not be discussed in his opinion piece entitled "Det finns inte någon åsiktskorridor" (There is no opinion corridor). He demanded that we get rid of the corridor of opinion and end this whole debate about the fact that there are things that cannot be said in Sweden.

Columnist Malin Ullgren von Dagens Nyheter condemned the use of the term, describing it as a rhetorical device used by the far right to undermine the stability of society. She claims that right-wing extremists systematically eroded the lines of propriety for years to advance their agendas, and that the right was free to express their agendas. She said that delusions about corridors of opinion or covering up the truth by the elite would actively undermine democracy.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Från attefallshus till åsiktskorridor , Språkrådet. December 29, 2014. Retrieved December 20, 2015. 
  2. Nyord , Språkrådet. January 2015. Accessed December 20, 2015. 
  3. Sveriges Radio: Image of public opinion falsified - Radio Sweden. In: sverigesradio.se. September 22, 2015, accessed November 10, 2019 .
  4. ^ A b Henrik Oscarsson: Väljare är inga dumbommar . December 10, 2013. Accessed December 20, 2015.
  5. a b Det är jag som är åsiktskorridoren , Expressen . February 12, 2015. Accessed December 21, 2015. 
  6. Erik Helmerson: vi ses i baren pa åsiktshotellet , Dagens Nyheter . May 3, 2015. Accessed December 21, 2015.  
  7. ^ A b Jag vill riva åsiktskorridoren , Göteborgs-Posten . March 6, 2015. Accessed December 21, 2015.  
  8. Vem vågar prata om sina åsikter? , Demoskop. September 14, 2015. Accessed December 20, 2015.  
  9. a b Det finns inte någon åsiktskorridor , Svenska Dagbladet . May 24, 2015. Accessed December 20, 2015.  
  10. a b Om det fanns en åsiktskorridor så är den nu Grundligt riven , Dagens Nyheter . February 3, 2016. Retrieved February 27, 2016.