Mass with a deacon

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A mass with a deacon ( Latin Missa cum diacono ) is a form of holy mass in the Roman Catholic Church in which a deacon assists the celebrating priest .


In the mass celebrations led by the priest , which developed around the 3rd century as a simplified second basic form of holy mass from the episcopal liturgy , there was only one other cleric in addition to the congregation and the celebrating priest , who was usually a deacon at first. However, his service was subsequently transferred to a cleric of a lesser degree . Around the turn of the millennium, the levitated high mass emerged as a “late diversion from the pontifical service”, celebrated by a priest with the assistance of initially several deacons and sub-deacons , then as a “ Levite office ” with a priest, a deacon and a sub-deacon. So it was consistently until the suspension of the subdiaconate by Pope Paul VI. in 1972 mainly in monasteries, but also practiced as a solemn form of Holy Mass in parish churches. In the extraordinary form of the Roman rite it is still common today.

In the Carthusian Order and partly among the Benedictines , however, Holy Mass was celebrated without a subdeacon from the Middle Ages until the 20th century; here only a deacon assisted the priest. During the reform of the Holy Week liturgy by Pope Pius XII. was created in 1957 in a simplified form ("rite simplex") the possibility that the duties of the deacon were taken over by a second priest or by a deacon, even if no sub-deacon was involved.

Missa cum diacono since 1970

Rainer Cardinal Woelki and Cathedral Deacon Reimund Witte at the pontifical request cum diacono in Cologne Cathedral, July 2017

The Second Vatican Council in 1964 restored the office of permanent deacon as an independent office in the Catholic Church. Since then, in addition to pastors and parish clerks, deacons have been active as pastors in parishes in numerous dioceses and have also participated in the celebration of the Eucharist.

That of Pope Paul VI. The revised Missale Romanum , published in 1970, provides a form of parish mass, the "Mass with Deacon", in which the deacon acts as the assistant to the celebrating priest. A deacon can also take part in the concelebration , who then assists the main celebrant with a priest in a similar way to the celebration of mass. If several deacons are present, they can divide the tasks of the deacon among themselves; a deacon can e.g. B. take over the texts intended for singing, another the service at the altar. It is impossible for a priest in dalmatic to assume the role of deacon, as was occasionally practiced in the Levite Office until 1970 .

The deacon wears the alb , over it the deacon stole and the dalmatic in the liturgical color of the day or the occasion; you can also refrain from wearing the dalmatic. Its role in the celebration of the Eucharist is determined as follows

  • "The basic task of the deacon is:
    • to assist and accompany the priest;
    • to serve at the altar both by the chalice and by the book;
    • if there are no other contributors to take over their tasks as far as necessary. "
  • The deacon is responsible for proclaiming the gospel , for which he receives the blessing from the priest, and he can give the homily .
  • At the solemn entry he can carry the gospel book . He and the priest kiss the altar at the beginning and at the end of Mass .
  • His place in the Liturgy of the Word is next to the priest in the Eucharistic liturgy at the altar the priest but slightly behind him.
  • He can guide the assembled congregation with “suitable advice” and brings up the concerns of the General Prayer .
  • During the preparation of the gifts he prepares the altar, receives bread and wine, prepares the chalice with wine and water and gives the Eucharistic gifts to the priest.
  • If incense is used in Mass , the deacon incenses the celebrant and the congregation.
  • After the institution narrative , he invites the community with the reputation of " mystery of faith " for acclamation one, after the peace prayers with the cry "Give each other a sign of peace and reconciliation," the sign of peace .
  • He helps the celebrating priest with the distribution of communion, then purifies the sacred vessels and puts them together.
  • After the final blessing, he dismisses the congregation with the call of Ite, missa est .
  • If necessary, he takes on the tasks of other liturgical services, e.g. B. the cantor .


  • Raphael Hombach OSB: History and revival of the missa cum diacono. In: Theodor Bogler (Ed.): Renewal of the Liturgy III / 14, Maria Laach 1954, pp. 62–78.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Josef Andreas Jungmann : Missarum Sollemnia. A genetic explanation of the Roman mass. Volume I, 5th edition, Herder, Vienna-Freiburg-Basel 1962, p. 263; on the whole: p. 273f.
  2. Ordinationes et declares for the Holy Week of February 1, 1957 (I, 3). - Josef Andreas Jungmann : Missarum Sollemnia. A genetic explanation of the Roman mass. Volume I, 5th edition, Herder, Wien-Freiburg-Basel 1962, pp. 275f., 579.
  3. Lumen gentium 29 : "Because these offices, which are vital to the Church, can only be exercised with difficulty in numerous areas with the current discipline of the Latin Church, the diaconate can be restored as a separate and permanent hierarchical level in the future."
  5. General introduction to the Roman Missal (AEM) No. 71.
  6. "During liturgical celebrations, everyone, be he liturist or believer, should in the exercise of his task only do that and all that is due to him from the nature of the matter and according to the liturgical rules." ( Sacrosanctum Concilium , Art. 28; See Johannes Wagner: How dead is the office of the Levites? In: Gottesdienst 7 (1973), Heft 1, p. 138ff.
  7. Basic Order of the Roman Missal (2007) ( Memento of the original from January 21, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. General introduction to the Roman Missal (AEM) No. 127.