Mia Cordes

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Mia Cordes , also Maria Cordes , born in Maria Müller , (born March 29, 1882 in Augsburg , † February 16, 1955 in Berlin ) was a German actress .


Maria Müller made her stage debut in 1898 and for the following 14 years remained exclusively in the theater (initially Schmierenbühnen, later also Berlin venues such as Victor Barnowsky's Small Theater and the Art Theater).

In 1912 she switched to film under the stage name Mia Cordes for a few years and played leading and supporting supporting roles under directors such as Walter Schmidthässler , Joseph Delmont and Franz Hofer .

Largely out of business since the early 1920s, Mia Cordes worked as an employee of her husband, the actor Bruno Eichgrün, and as a screenwriter (around 30 manuscripts). Her last stage engagements took her on tour to South America in 1929/30 with Paul Wegener and in 1931 alongside Lil Dagover . In the end, the artist lived through gratuities from the Goebbels institution, Künstlerdank .


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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Dates of life, name at birth and all biographical information according to the Kay Less film archive