Michael Alt

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Michael Alt (born February 15, 1905 in Aachen , † December 20, 1973 in Dortmund ) was a German music teacher. He is the author of the music didactic conception Orientation on the work of art .


Michael Alt studied musicology, philosophy, pedagogy, German and sociology at the University of Cologne from 1925 and from 1926 school music at the Cologne University of Music . Thus he belonged to the first generation who studied school music after the Kestenberg reform. He then worked as a student trainee and study assessor at secondary schools and also as a lecturer in music education at the Aachen Conservatory (1931-1934). In 1929 he founded the Association of Music Philologists, the first organized association of German music teachers, which he also led until 1933.

After the transfer of power to the National Socialists , he became a member of the NSDAP with effect from May 1, 1933 and was registered under the number 2.084.732.

With his dissertation "A representation of the types of musical enjoyment and appreciation in young people and their educational significance" he received his doctorate in 1934 at the University of Cologne. In 1936 he wrote an article in the magazine Die Musik with the title: Richard Wagner seen National Socialist , which he later no longer mentioned in his short biography by Karl Gustav Fellerer .

In 1937, Alt was appointed to the faculty . The college for teacher training in Oldenburg appointed him in 1937 as a lecturer for music education and in 1939 appointed him professor. In 1939/40 he worked in the same position at the university in Lauenburg and in Hanover .

After military service and Soviet imprisonment (1940–1949), he worked in school in Essen until 1959 . In 1953 he received a part-time teaching position for music education at the Folkwang School in Essen. In 1955 he and Professor Max Burchartz founded the music seminar for music, gymnastics, speaking and art. At the same time he was teaching music history at the Detmold Music Academy. From 1965 to 1969 he headed the working group "Research in Music Education" which he founded. In 1959 he became professor of music education at the Dortmund University of Education, where he retired in 1973.

Michael Alt was best known for his music didactic conception of orientation on the work of art , which he presented in his book "Didaktik der Musik. Orientation on the work of art", published in 1968.

His writing Deutsche Art in der Musik (Eichenblatt, Leipzig 1936) was placed on the list of literature to be sorted out in the Soviet occupation zone .

Fonts (selection)

  • Didactics of Music . 4th unchanged edition, educational publisher Schwan, Düsseldorf 1968, ISBN 3-590-14203-0 .


  • Michael Alt: Michael Alt , in: Karl Gustav Fellerer (Hrsg.): Rhenish musicians. 5th episode . A. Volk, Cologne 1967, pp. 1-3

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Fred K. Prieberg : Handbook of German Musicians 1933–1945 , CD-Rom-Lexikon, Kiel 2004, p. 114.
  2. http://www.polunbi.de/bibliothek/1946-nslit.html